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Abstract (English):
The article deals with the actual problems of bringing a lawyer in the protection of human rights and freedoms, in the implementation of operational investigative activities and the collection of evidence. The authors note that the formal indictment of a person follows an operative-investigative activity, which restricts his rights and freedoms. At the same time, the Federal Law “On operative-investigative activity” doesn’t contain any reference to the defence counsel (lawyer), not to mention the procedure of his participation in the protection of citizens whose right and freedoms were limited by the bodies conducting operative-investigative activity. Based on the analysis of legal acts, court decisions and scientific sources, the authors conclude that a lawyer’s participation as a defence counsel during public operative investigation measures is possible. They also believe that in order to exclude the cases of unreasonable restriction on right to get a qualified legal assistance of a person who is a subject of public operative investigation measures the Federal Law on OIA should regulate the procedure for engaging the lawyer in operative investigative process as a defence counsel. Such regulation is necessary insofar as the OIA itself is a type of activity that can be carried out publicly (Article 1 of the Federal Law on OIA) with the use of open methods and means (Article 3 of the Federal Law on OIA).

lawyer, principal, constitutional rights and freedoms, prosecution, defense, operative investigation measures
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