Обложка журнала
Title (English)
Language of publication
Russian, English
2071-8284 (print) 2949-1150 (online)
Periodicity (English)

The frequency of the issue of the journal is 4 times a year, coming out in March, June, September and December. 

Journal Release Schedule

Russian science citation index:
Yes 9475
Russian higher attestation Commission:
Yes K1

Format requirements for scientific articles:

– Volume – 15-30 pages of typewritten text (the standard page is 1800 symbols with spaces, including tables, pictures and references).

– The text editor Word and font Times New Roman should be used when typing an article (Type size – 14; Line spacing – 1.5 cm; Indentation – 1.25 cm; Margins: left ‒ 2.5 cm, right ‒ 1.5 cm, top and bottom ‒ 2.0 cm). If additional fonts were used when typing, the author must provide them to the editorial department;

– Alignment – portrait;

– Page numbering (except first page) – left bottom;

It is not allowed to use manual hyphenation and spaces.

In the Russian language text «French quotations symbols» are used for quotations and in the text in foreign languages – “curly quotes”.

Illustrations (pictures, tables, graphs, charts, etc.) are submitted separately (as separate files fragment and on separate pages in printed form). The recommended width of the drawing should not exceed 14 cm, the height should not exceed 18 cm. The recommended format is *jpg. Illustrative materials should have a minimum resolution of 300 pixels/inch. It is not allowed to submit them through the official Microsoft Office programs, imported into Word.

The name of the units of various sizes cuts such as “y.” (year) must be preceded by a non-breaking space (see. “Insert” – “Symbols”), indicating the prohibition on their separation from the numbers or words they define. The same is with the initials and surnames. The file (electronic version) of the article should be completely identical to the printed original.

The material should be presented in electronic and printed form (on one side of a standard A4 sheet).


Standard Design of the Paper (template)


Requirements for article’s elements



Recommendations of the Editorial Board

Information about

the authors

A surname, a name, a patronymic

The authors are listed in the order which they determine themselves by mutual agreement, more often it depends on their contribution to the work performed. Experts do not recommend to indicate more than 2 authors in the articles of humanitarian profile and also of small volume articles. Scientists and practitioners who assisted in the preparation and conduction of the research described in the article should be indicated in the final part of the article (the “Acknowledgments” section).

In the transliteration of the author’s  surname and initials it is important to comply with the following sequence: full name, initial letter of patronymic, surname (Anna V. Ivanova). It is important to indicate the initial letter of the patronymic when creating authors' profiles in the international scientific databases, it allows to identify the author accurately and to avoid making mistakes when adding articles to existing profiles. 


Affiliation (the place of the author’s employment)

It is necessary to indicate the place of employment of each author or the name of the organization that carried out the research, the city, the country. The name of the organization (Russian / English) should coincide with the name in the Charter. 

The volume of the article

15-30 pages

Standard A4 page –1800 symbols with spaces, including tables, pictures and references list. 

The title

The title of the article should not exceed 75 symbols (10-12 words)

The title of the article should: be informative and concise, correspond to the scientific style of the text, contain the main keywords that characterize the topic (subject) of the research and the content of the work. The title should be easily perceived by the readers and search engines. When translating the title of the article into English do not use transliteration from Russian into Latin, except for untranslated proper names; do not use jargon known only to Russian-speaking specialists. It is not recommended to use abbreviations and formulas. 



150-250 words

Abstract includes: the relevance of the research topic, the statement of the problem, the aim and the methods of the study, the results and key conclusions. 


5-7 words, not exceeding 10 words

You can use words or set phrases using which it will be possible to find the article. The number of words inside the key phrase should not exceed 3.

The structure of the article

There should be at least 3 sections (Introduction, Description of the study (methods, materials, results), Conclusion)

The Introduction includes: the relevance of the research topic, the review of the literature on the topic, the statement of the problem, the formulation of the aim and objectives of the study.

The Description of the study includes: description of methods and schemes of observations / experiments in order to allow other scientists to reproduce the results, using only the text of the article; description of materials, instruments, equipment, sampling and conditions for observations/ experiments; actual results of the study (text, tables, graphs, diagrams, photographs, drawings) and interpretation of the results (the compliance of the results with the hypothesis of the study, limitations of research and generalization of its results, proposals for practical application, proposals for the direction of future research).

The Conclusion contains brief summaries of the sections of the article without repeating the formulations. 

Number of pictures and tables

Not exceeding 8 pictures and tables

They should be described, analyzed in the text of the article.


They are put at the end of the article

The author expresses: appreciation to colleagues for their help; gratitude for the financial support of the study (in the case of a grant).

The list of references (bibliography)

At least 10 scientific sources

Do not include in the list of references anonymous sources and regulatory documents (regulations, laws, instructions, etc.) that will never be indexed in citation databases; it is preferable to quote them directly in the text or in text footnotes; it is not recommended to use hard-to-reach, unpublished, small-circulation, as well as local, popular and educational sources in the bibliography: abstracts of dissertations and dissertations, newspapers, unpublished reports, manuals and textbooks.


The numbers for the Universal Decimal Classification (UDC, https://teacode.com/online/udc/) have to be indicated at the beginning of an article.

This is followed by the title of the article, the initials and surnames of the authors, ORCID (in the absence, you must register at https://orcid.org/), the name of the institution (s) in which an article was performed.

The article should be provided:

– the full information about the author (authors), including a surname, a name, a patronymic, a scientific and academic degree, position, place of work or study (full name), e-mail, post address, phone. For the authors who do not have a scientific degree, the surname, the first name and the patronymic of the supervisor, his position, place of employment and specialty (name and number according to the classification of  Higher Attestation Commission) are additionally indicated;

– English version of the name and initials of the author(s);

– title of an article in Russian and English;

– the name of the institution (or institutions) in which an article was performed in Russian and English;

– the abstract of the article in Russian (150-250 words) and in English (150-250 words). The main idea should be clearly determined in the abstract (it should contain the relevance of the topic, the aim and object of the study, it should reveal its theoretical basis, the obtained results and their practical value);

– key words or phrases (5-7 words), required for indexing articles, in Russian and in English languages;

– the text of the article in Russian language signed by all authors. If the author doesn’t have a scientific degree, the article should also be signed by his supervisor;

– the section “Bibliography” and the section “References” containing the list of references, in which all sources are given in Latin, i.e. transliterated (http://translit.net/ru/), and are listed at the end of the article. The number of the source in the list of references and after comma – the page number (e.g. [3, p. 25]) is indicated in the text of the article in brackets. Sources should follow the order mentioned in the text. Be sure to specify the following data: for books – surname and initials of the author (editor), book title, place of publication (city), year of publication, total number of pages; for journal articles – surname and initials of the author, article title, journal title, year of publication, number, issue, pages (first and last one);

For sources published in foreign periodicals the DOI should be indicated (see, for example, the website: http://www.crossref.org).

The authors of the article are responsible for the correct list of references

All the quotes in the article should be correlated with the list of references. In case of direct quoting indicate page numbers.

Indicate the full output of the original text in translations.

Use superscript Arabic numerals to cite material in the text.

The factual material should reflect the latest data, it should be carefully checked and confirmed by references to sources.

Tables and other digital data should be checked carefully up and supplied by references to sources. Tables are given in the text, number and the name are specified above the table.

All abbreviations should be disclosed at the first reference.

The materials submitted to the Editorial Board must be carefully verified.

Special attention should be paid to the quality of translation of the abstract and keywords into English. The editors reserve the right to reject the article in case of a poor translation into English.

The translation of all metadata (information about the authors, article title, abstract, keywords) must be certified by a specialist of the Department of Foreign Languages, translation bureau, etc. (for example, «The translation corresponds to the original in Russian», the signature of the specialist, certified by the stamp of the organization in which he works).

At the time of submission of the article, it is necessary to specify whether artificial intelligence (AI) or AI-based technology was used in the preparation of the manuscript or part thereof. In a separate section of the manuscript (which may be a section of the methods), authors should clearly describe how AI was used in the research and/or preparation of the manuscript. This may include using LLM chat bots (such as ChatGPT) and image creators. Artificial intelligence or technology using AI is not considered authors and should not be listed as authors or co-authors in the manuscript. Nor should they be cited as authors or co-authors of references.


In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, any reference in the article, article metadata or other documents attached to the article must be accompanied by an appropriate note. It concerns:

  1. Public and religious associations and other organizations in regard to which there is a court decision on liquidation or prohibition of activity on the basis of the Federal Law "On Combating Extremist Activity" dated 25.07.2002 No. 114;

The list https://minjust.gov.ru/ru/documents/7822/

  1. Organisations, including foreign and international organisations, classified as being terrorist in accordance with the Federal Law "On Combating Terrorism" dated 06.03.2006 No. 35;

The list http://www.fsb.ru/fsb/npd/terror.htm

  1. Foreign and international non-governmental organisations whose activities are considered undesirable on the territory of the Russian Federation in accordance with the Federal Law "On enforcement measures against persons involved in violations of fundamental human rights and freedoms, rights and freedoms of citizens of the Russian Federation" dated 28.12.2012 No. 272;

The list https://minjust.gov.ru/ru/documents/7756/ 

  1. Foreign agents considered as such in accordance with the Federal Law "On Control over the Activities of Persons Under Foreign Influence" dated 14.07.2022 No. 255;

The Register https://minjust.gov.ru/uploaded/files/reestr-inostrannyih-agentov-26012024.pdf 

The author (in the case of co-authorship – the author responsible for publication), presenting the article to the editorial office, guarantees that the text is original (has not been previously published anywhere else and has not been accepted for publication in other editorial offices), confirms his consent (in the case of co-authorship – the consent of all authors) with the rules of the journal and gives the editorial staff the rights for publishing the article, using the electronic version (posting on the journal's website, etc.). The author also informs about the presence or absence of a conflict of interest related to the publication of the article.

At the end of the article, the author(s) must make a note of the following content:

"The presented material has not been previously published anywhere else and is not currently being reviewed for publication in other editions. I declare that there is no conflict of interest associated with the publication of this article in the journal "Vestnik of St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia". I authorise the publication of the full-text version of the article, and its parts in open access on the Internet, as well as on the official pages of the journal in social networks. Artificial intelligence capabilities were used (not used) in the creation of the article (the part of the article). There are no (if there are, specify where) references to:

  1. public and religious associations and other organisations in regard to which there is a court decision on liquidation or prohibition of activity on the basis of the Federal Law "On Combating Extremist Activity" dated 25.07.2002 No. 114;

  2. organisations, including foreign and international organisations, classified as being terrorist in accordance with the Federal Law "On Combating Terrorism" dated 06.03.2006 No. 35;

  3. foreign and international non-governmental organisations whose activities are considered undesirable on the territory of the Russian Federation in accordance with the Federal Law "On enforcement measures against persons involved in violations of fundamental human rights and freedoms, rights and freedoms of citizens of the Russian Federation" dated 28.12.2012 No. 272;

  4. foreign agents considered as such in accordance with the Federal Law "On Control over the Activities of Persons Under Foreign Influence" dated 14.07.2022 No. 255".

If  there are several authors, it is necessary to specify their contribution to the creation of the article (for example, "The authors contributed equally to the paper" or specify the personal contribution of each author).

Date, signature of the author(s)."

Articles of an applicable nature should be considered by the expert committee on the regime of secrecy with the provision of relevant information.

The author must attach to the set of documents consent to the processing of personal data

The articles of applicants and postgraduate are supervised by the scientific supervisor.

Signatures are certified by the stamp of the personnel department of the organization in which the author works.

Articles drawn up without taking into account the above requirements are not considered.



The editors of the Journal "Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo Universiteta MVD Rossii" are guided by ethical standards adopted by the international scientific community. In its activities, the editors follow the recommendations of the Committee on Scientific Ethics of Publications (http://publicationethics.org/). The publishing house maintains a neutral position on issues published in the Journal.

The editors of the journal "Bulletin of the Saint Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia" are guided by ethical standards proposed by the Committee on the Ethics of Scientific Publications COPE, the European Association of Scientific Editors EASE (http://www.ease.org.uk), the Council of Scientific Editors CSE (http: //www.councilscienceeditors.org), Association of Scientific Editors and Publishers of ANRI (http://rasep.ru).

The author of an article, an editor, a reviewer, a publisher must comply with ethical standards at all stages of publication, from the submission of the article to its publication in the Journal.

The ethical rules of the Journal must be followed by authors, reviewers, members of the editorial office, editorial staff, as well as all participants in the process of publishing information provided by the Journal.

The Editor-in-Chief, members of the editorial office, and editorial staff play an important role in resolving potential cases of data fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, image manipulation, unethical research, biased reports, copyright infringement, redundant or duplicate publication, and conflicts of interest.


The Editor-in-Chief provides ethical support and control:

• ensures the fulfillment of the requests of readers and authors;

• ensures high quality of published materials;

• guarantees and ensures freedom of expression;

• ensures the integrity of published scientific materials;

• if necessary, ensures the publication of amendments, clarifications, rebuttals and apologies.

Decisions to publish or reject an article are based solely on its value, originality, readability, and relevance of the content to the Journal.

The rules for authors and reviewers, which are regularly reviewed and adjusted, indicate the requirements for them.

The Editor-in-Chief and editorial staff ensure the right of reviewers to the confidentiality of their work, the confidentiality of the submitted materials until their publication, and also respond to complaints in a timely manner.

It is possible to publish justified criticism of previously published material in the Journal, unless convincing reasons are provided (by the Editor-in-Chief or other persons) to refrain from such publications. Before publishing a critical review, the author of the criticized materials is given the opportunity to familiarize himself with it, as well as to respond to the comments made.

The Editor-in-Chief and editorial staff are obliged to take adequate actions if a violation of ethical standards is suspected (to request clarifications from the authors, etc.). If an appropriate investigation reveals the fact of falsification, an article is not accepted for publication, and such a case is brought to the attention of readers.

The interests (financial, personal, political, religious) of the participants in the publication process (authors, Editor-in-Chief, members of the editorial board and editorial board, editorial staff, reviewers, etc.), which may affect the presentation and objective assessment of the research results, must be disclosed.

The following are considered unlawful acts:

• forgery, falsification;

• plagiarism (misappropriation of intellectual property, as well as significant copying of other work);

• duplicate or redundant publication (verbatim reproduction of the text of another publication by the same author in excess of 30%).

Any previous publications must be disclosed in the article.

Allegations of alleged wrongdoing containing detailed facts to substantiate claims should be considered even if they are anonymous.

The journal encourages discussion and constructive criticism of the works published in it.

When considering an article, the editorial board of the Journal checks the material using the Antiplagiat system (Plagiarism Detection System). When identifying borrowings, the editors act in accordance with the COPE rules.

Code of Ethics for Scientific Publications

The Code of Ethics for Scientific Publications combines and reveals the general principles and rules that should guide the interactions of participants in the process of scientific publications: authors, reviewers, editors, publishers, distributors and readers.

Basic terms:

Ethics of scientific publications is a system of norms of professional behavior in the relations between authors, reviewers, editors, publishers and readers in the process of creating, distributing and using scientific publications.

Editor - a representative of a scientific journal or publishing house who prepares materials for publication, as well as maintains communication with authors and readers of scientific publications.

Author is a person or a group of persons (a team of authors) involved in the creation of a publication of the results of a scientific study.

Reviewer - an expert acting on behalf of a scientific journal or publishing house and conducting a scientific examination of copyrighted materials in order to determine the possibility of their publication.

Publisher - a legal or natural person who publishes a scientific publication.

Reader - any person who has read the published materials.

Plagiarism is the deliberate appropriation of the authorship of someone else's work of science or art, someone else's ideas or inventions. Plagiarism may be a violation of copyright law and patent law, and as such may incur legal liability.

Principles of Professional Ethics in the Activities of an Editor and a Publisher

In its activities, an editor is responsible for the publication of copyrighted works, in connection with which he/she is guided by the following fundamental principles:

- when making a decision on publication, an editor of a scientific journal is guided by the reliability of the presentation of data and the scientific significance of the work in question;

- an editor must evaluate the intellectual content of manuscripts, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, origin, citizenship, social status or political preferences of the authors;

- unpublished data obtained from submitted manuscripts should not be used for personal purposes or transferred to third parties without the written consent of the author. Information or ideas obtained during editing and related to possible benefits must be kept confidential and not used for personal gain;

- an editor should not allow information to be published if there are sufficient grounds to believe that it is plagiarism;

- an editor, together with the publisher, should not leave unanswered claims regarding the reviewed manuscripts or published materials, and also, if a conflict situation is identified, take all necessary measures to restore violated rights.

Ethical Principles in the Activities of a Reviewer

A reviewer carries out a scientific examination of copyright materials, as a result of which his actions must be unbiased, consisting in the implementation of the following principles:

‑ the manuscript received for review should be considered as a confidential document that cannot be transferred for review or discussion to third parties who do not have the authority of the editors;

‑ a reviewer is obliged to give an objective and reasoned assessment of the stated results of the study. Personal criticism of the author is unacceptable;

‑ unpublished data obtained from submitted manuscripts should not be used by the reviewer for personal purposes;

‑ a reviewer who, in his opinion, does not have sufficient qualifications to evaluate the manuscript, or cannot be objective, for example, in case of a conflict of interest with the author or organization, should inform the editor about this with a request to exclude him from the review process of this manuscript.

Principles to Be Followed by an Author of Scientific Publications

An author is a researcher who has made a significant intellectual contribution to the published work and presented the results of his/her research. In the case of co-authorship, each author is responsible for  at least one component of the work and must be aware of the contributions of others. He must be fully confident in the qualifications and professionalism of his co-authors.

All persons credited as authors must meet the definition of authorship. Participation in the work of each author should be significant enough, since each author is publicly responsible for its respective component.

Authors may enter into separate, additional contractual agreements for the distribution of published work (for example, placing it in a university repository or publishing it in a book), with recognition of its original publication in this Journal.

All persons related to the work, but not meeting the authorship criteria, are listed in the "Expression of Appreciation" / “Acknowledgments” section (persons who helped in planning the study, selecting material and analyzing it, preparing the manuscript for publication, etc.).

An author does not have the right to send the same text to different editions. If an article uses previously published information, an author must indicate its source, and, at the request of the editor, provide a copy of the cited material.

An author needs to confirm that his/her article is original, and indicate the sources of the cited information.

An author is obliged to declare a potential conflict of interest (for example, circumstances that, in his/her opinion, may affect the publication process).

If a significant error is found in a publication, an author must immediately inform an editor about it. During the preparation of the material for publication, an author is obliged to cooperate with an editor and a publisher and, if necessary, introduce appropriate changes into the text.

An author takes full responsibility for possible plagiarism of the text, pictures and other materials. Any copyright infringement will be dealt with according to the criteria proposed by COPE.

An author (or a team of authors) is aware that he/she bears the primary responsibility for the novelty and reliability of the results of scientific research, which implies compliance with the following principles:

‑ authors of the article must provide reliable results of the research. Knowingly erroneous or falsified statements are unacceptable;

‑ authors must ensure that the results of the study presented in a submitted manuscript are completely original. Borrowed fragments or statements must be formalized with the obligatory indication of an author and source. Excessive borrowing, as well as plagiarism in any form, including inaccurate quotations, paraphrasing, or appropriation of rights to the results of other people's research, is unethical and unacceptable;

‑ it is necessary to recognize the contribution of all persons who in one way or another influenced the course of the study, in particular, the article should contain references to works that were important in the conduct of the study;

‑ authors should not submit to the Journal a manuscript that has been sent to another journal and is under consideration, as well as an article already published in another journal;

‑ co-authors of the article should indicate all persons who have made a significant contribution to the study. Among the co-authors, it is unacceptable to indicate persons who did not participate in the study;

‑ if the author finds significant errors or inaccuracies in the article at the stage of its consideration or after its publication, he must notify editors of the Journal as soon as possible.

Conflict of Interest

A conflict of interest arises if an author (or the institution in which he/she works), a reviewer, an editor or any participant in the preparation of the publication has financial or private interests (personal relationships, scientific rivalry, intellectual differences, etc.) which may have a negative impact on their performance.

Reviewers provide the editors with information about possible conflicts of interest that may affect their opinion regarding the manuscript. In the presence of such a danger, they refrain from reviewing this material. Reviewers may not take advantage of the results of the work in question prior to its publication.

All participants in the process of preparing an article for publication are required to disclose information about any relationship that may be considered as a potential source of conflict of interest.

The editorial office publishes such information if they believe that it may have an impact on the evaluation of the manuscript.

1. The results of original fundamental and applied scientific researches on legal, pedagogical and psychological problems in relation to law enforcement are published in the Journal «Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo Universiteta MVD Rossii».


The criteria for the selection of articles are compliance with the profile of the journal, novelty, relevance and validity of the results. Submitted manuscripts are not returned back. It is not allowed to send works to the editorial office that are published and / or accepted for publication in other editions. By submitting an article to the editor, the author agrees to an editorial revision of the material.

2. The work on the formation of the issue is carried out by the editorial board of the journal, which include Russian and foreign experts. The journal is published by the editorial board.

3. The journal is peer-reviewed. The reviewers are recognized qualified Russian and foreign experts in relevant fields of knowledge.

4. The Editorial Board provides for the review of all scientific materials, controls the compliance of the authors with the rules for the composition of articles.

5. Authors, reviewers, the Editorial Board and the editors of the journal comply with the provisions of the publication ethics.

6. The journal publishes, free of charge and without payment of the author's fee, up-to-date, original, objective and reasonable scientific materials, which were first sent to the press. The journal does not publish journalistic, popular and educational texts, advertising and other non-core materials.


7. The Editorial Board has the right to edit the title and text of scientific material, bibliography.


8. When forming the journal number, preference is given to materials:

– corresponding to the thematic profile and rubrics of the journal;

– containing a clear description of the problem and a reasoned author's version of its resolution;

– having an original character (prepared by the authors independently and not previously published);

– having a novelty of research (based on the results of their own scientific research and present new scientific knowledge);

– having a scientific presentation style (general language literacy, consistency, consistency, clarity, special terminology, the availability of references, etc.)


9. The article is submitted to the editors of the journal in printed and electronic form (through a personal account on the website of the Journal https://vestnikspbmvd.ru or by e-mail vestnik@univermvd.ru). Article is issued in accordance with the requirements for scientific articles in the Journal «Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo Universiteta MVD Rossii».

10. The received article is registered in the articles registration journal with indication of the date of receipt, title, full name of an author(s). An individual registration number is assigned to an article.

11. After registration, the article is sent to the initial assessment by the editor-in-chief (assistant editor-in-chief), who appoints reviewers for the article.

12. After assigning reviewers, the personal data of the author (s) is deleted from the article. As such, the article is e-mailed to reviewers.

13. After conducting an expert assessment of the article, the reviewer sends to the editor a formed review.

14. The decision to publish an article is made by the Editorial Board of the Journal, depending on the results of the review and verification of the text of the manuscript for originality using specialized software.

With the originality of the text below 70% (while borrowing from one source can not be more than 7%, the borrowing is not allowed in the conclusions), the article is rejected.

No more than one article by one author, including the co-authorship, can be published in one issue of the Journal.

15. The editorial board sends an email to the author (s) about the decision taken on the article: publish, publish after revision, the letter provides recommendations for revision.

If it is decided to reject the publication, the reasons for such a decision are indicated.

The article, revised by the author according to the recommendations of the reviewer, is sent by the editors to the same reviewer for a second review.

16. If the article is recommended for publication, it undergoes editorial preparation – technical and literary editing, proofreading. The final version of the article prepared for publication, if necessary, is agreed with the author (s).

17. The next issue of the Journal includes articles in relation to which at the beginning of the layout (in accordance with the production schedule) there are reviews recommending publication and agreed with the author (s).

18. The Journal is a quarterly publication; coming out in March, June, September and December.
19. Distribution of the journal is carried out in accordance with the distribution list.
20. In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, compulsory free copies of the journal are distributed.
21. Each issue of Journal are received by the University library.

22. Issues of Journal are distributed to the authors of articles and members of the Editorial Board in electronic form (sent by e-mail).


23. The copyrights to all materials published in the Journal belong to the founder and publisher.

24. The authors guarantee the Journal the right to reproduce unique materials in their work. In the case of unauthorized use by the authors of materials, the rights to which belong to third parties, the authors of the manuscript are responsible for their reproduction.

The Journal reviews all materials submitted to the Editorial Board that are relevant to its topic in order to give expert evaluation. All peer-reviewers are recognized experts on the subject of peer-reviewed materials and have their own publications on the subject of the article under review during the last 3 years.

1. The form of the peer-review is double-blind.

2. The review of the supervisor (scientific supervisor) or the research adviser does not replace the peer-review.

3. The peer-reviewing of articles is free of charge for the authors.

4. The manuscript of a scientific paper, accepted by the Editorial Board in printed and electronic form, is considered by the editor-in-chief for compliance to the profile of the Journal, the requirements of article submission guidelines and is registered in the article registration logbook.

5. The submitted manuscript is considered during one month by the Editorial Board for compliance with the formal requirements of the Editorial Board of the Journal and after approval it is sent for a peer-review. The editor-in-chief (the deputy editor-in-chief) chooses the peer-reviewers.

6. Candidates and doctors of sciences including expert practitioners (practicians) with recognized authority and working in the scientific field relevant to articles topics are involved in peer-reviewing. The peer-review is signed by a specialist with an interpretation of the surname, name and patronymic, an indication of a scientific degree, academic rank, position, date of peer-review.

7. The peer-reviewer cannot be the author or co-author of the article under peer-reviewing, as well as (scientific) supervisor of the applicant for an academic degree and employees of the department where the author works.

8. The peer-reviewers are notified that the manuscripts submitted to them are intellectual property of the authors and are classified as the data that are not subject to disclosure, it is not allowed to make copies of the articles.

9. Infringement of confidentiality of information about the peer-reviewers and the authors of the articles is possible only in case of the peer-reviewer’s statement for unauthenticity or falsification of the materials made in the manuscript.

10. The term of preparing the peer-review is established in coordination with the peer-reviewer, but it cannot exceed two weeks from the moment of the manuscript receipt to the peer-reviewer (Reviewer's memo).

11. The peer-review should contain the qualified analysis of the material of the article, the objective and substantiated estimation of its material and reasonable recommendations about the improvement of quality of work. The peer-reviewer estimates the basic merits and demerits of the manuscript of the article, being guided thus by following criteria: conformity of the maintenance of the article to the Journal profile, relevance of the selected research topic, scientific and methodical level, use of necessary techniques of research, novelty and originality of fundamental principles and conclusions, practical use.

12. The peer-review is made under the standard form (Appendix 1) or in the free form with obligatory indication of the following matters:

- general analysis of the scientific level, terminology, structure of the article, the relevance of the research topic;

- scientific style, conformity of the methods, techniques, recommendations and results of researches used by the author to modern achievements of science and practice;

- the validity of the statement of the problem (issue) or the obtained results for the further development of theory and practice in the field of the research;

- discrepancies, errors, infringement of rules of citing admitted by the author;

- estimation of completeness of the article concerning language and style, its conformity to the established editorial requirements.

The final part of the peer-review should contain general conclusions and recommendation about expediency of its publication in the Journal or about the necessity of its completion.

13. In the case of a negative peer-review of the article in whole (the recommendation about inexpediency of its publication) the peer-reviewer should prove his conclusions. In the case of discrepancy of the article to one or several criteria the peer-reviewer specifies the necessity of completion of the article and makes recommendations to the author on the article improvement (with indication of errors admitted by the author).

14. The Editorial Board submits the results of the peer-review to the author (sends the copies of the peer-reviews or a reasoned refusal) and sends copies of the peer-reviews to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation upon receipt of the relevant request to the Editorial Board.

15. Articles completed by the author repeatedly go to the peer-reviewer who has made critical comments.

16. In the case the author disagrees with the peer-reviewer’s opinion he or she may apply for re-reviewing or withdraw the article. This fact is fixed in a special register.

17. In the case of negative peer-review the article is transferred to another peer-reviewer who doesn’t know about the results of the previous peer-review. In the case of negative re-reviewing the copies of the negative peer-reviews go to the author to complete the article.

18. The final decision about expediency of the article publication after peer-reviewing is taken by the Editorial Board.

19. The cases of article reject:

- the theme of the article does not correspond with the scope of the Journal;

- the article is not adjusted properly and the authors refuse to update the articles;

- the article is not completed by the author after the peer-review.

20. The terms of article peer-reviewing are not longer than 3 months.

21. The peer-reviews are kept within 5 years since the moment of the peer-reviewer’s assent.

22. The articles accepted for the publication are not given back to the authors.

Poryadok otzyva (retrakcii) stat'i v zhurnale «Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta MVD Rossii»

(razrabotan na osnove rekomendaciy Soveta po etike nauchnyh publikaciy Associacii nauchnyh redaktorov i izdateley)

1. Otzyv teksta ot publikacii (retrakciya) predstavlyaet soboy mehanizm ispravleniya opublikovannoy informacii i opovescheniya chitateley o tom, chto publikaciya soderzhit ser'eznye nedostatki ili oshibochnye dannye, kotorym nel'zya doveryat'. Nedostovernost' dannyh mozhet yavlyat'sya rezul'tatom dobrosovestnogo zabluzhdeniya ili osoznannyh narusheniy. Retrakciya ispol'zuetsya i v sluchae obnaruzheniya dubliruyuschih publikaciy, plagiata, sokrytiya konflikta interesov, kotorye mogli povliyat' na interpretaciyu dannyh ili rekomendacii ob ih ispol'zovanii.

2. Osnovaniem dlya otzyva stat'i yavlyayutsya sleduyuschie fakty:

  • obnaruzhenie nekorrektnyh zaimstvovaniy (plagiata) v publikacii;
  • dublirovanie stat'i v neskol'kih izdaniyah;
  • obnaruzhenie v rabote fal'sifikaciy ili fabrikaciy (naprimer, podtasovka eksperimental'nyh dannyh);
  • obnaruzhenie v rabote ser'eznyh oshibok (naprimer, nepravil'naya interpretaciya rezul'tatov), chto stavit pod somnenie ee nauchnuyu cennost';
  • nekorrektnyy sostav avtorov (vklyucheny lica, ne prinimavshie uchastie v napisanii stat'i, provedenii issledovaniya i t.d.; ne ukazany lica, prinimavshie neposredstvennoe uchastie v provedenii issledovaniya i napisanii stat'i);
  • skryt konflikt interesov;
  • perepublikaciya stat'i bez soglasiya avtora;
  • stat'ya ne prohodila proceduru recenzirovaniya.

3. Iniciatorom nachala procedury otzyva (retrakcii) stat'i mogut byt':

  • avtor(y) stat'i, kotoryy napravlyaet pis'mennoe motivirovannoe obraschenie v redakciyu zhurnala ob otzyve stat'i;
  • glavnyy redaktor zhurnala, kotoryy gotovit obosnovannoe predstavlenie o prichinah otzyva publikacii;
  • redakciya drugogo zhurnala, napravivshaya zapros v redakciyu zhurnala «Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta MVD Rossii»;
  • inye lica, predstavivshie dokazatel'stva narusheniya nauchnoy etiki avtorom(ami) stat'i (naprimer, uchastniki konflikta interesov).

4. Otzyv (retrakciya) statey v zhurnale «Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta MVD Rossii» osuschestvlyaetsya sleduyuschim obrazom:

4.1. Posle obrascheniya avtora ili drugogo lica, predostavivshego fakty narusheniya nauchnoy etiki v stat'e, redkollegiya zhurnala naznachaet komissiyu, kotoraya provodit vsestoronnee izuchenie sluchaya, s uchetom vseh imeyuschihsya faktov i vozmozhnostey proverki etichnosti publikacii;

4.2. Prinyav reshenie otozvat' stat'yu, redakciya ukazyvaet v protokole zasedaniya prichinu retrakcii (v sluchae obnaruzheniya plagiata - s ukazaniem na istochniki zaimstvovaniya), a takzhe datu retrakcii. Stat'ya i opisanie stat'i ostayutsya na internet-sayte zhurnala v sostave sootvetstvuyuschego vypuska zhurnala, no na elektronnuyu versiyu teksta nanositsya nadpis' OTOZVANA/RETRACTED i data retrakcii, eta zhe pometa stavitsya pri stat'e v oglavlenii vypuska. 

4.3. Redakciya ne udalyaet mehanicheski stat'i iz elektronnoy versii zhurnala i iz arhiva na sayte zhurnala, dlya soblyudeniya korrektnosti.

4.4. V Sovet po etike nauchnyh publikaciy Associacii nauchnyh redaktorov i izdateley (dlya vneseniya informacii v edinuyu bazu retragirovannyh statey) predostavlyaetsya protokol, v kotorom ukazyvaetsya data provedeniya zasedaniya, sostav zasedavshih, rezul'taty ekspertizy, obosnovannoe reshenie i zapolnennaya forma:

- FIO avtora i nazvanie stat'i;

- nazvanie izdaniya, iz kotorogo tekst otzyvaetsya;

- iniciator otzyva stat'i; 

- osnovanie dlya otzyva stat'i i data prinyatiya resheniya;

- ssylka na stranicu na sayte izdaniya, na kotoroy dana informaciya o retrakcii;

- vyhodnye dannye stat' i DOI (esli est');

- tematika (social'nye nauki; sel'skoe hozyaystvo i t.p.).

4.5. Informaciya ob otozvannyh tekstah peredaetsya v bazy nauchnoy informacii - NEB, KiberLeninka. Pri poluchenii zayavki na retrakciyu informaciya o stat'e i polnyy tekst ostayutsya na eLibrary.ru i v KiberLeninke, no dopolnyaetsya informaciey o retrakcii. Otozvannye stat'i i ssylki iz nih isklyuchayutsya iz RINC i ne uchastvuyut pri raschete pokazateley.

4.6. V sluchae ser'eznogo moral'nogo uscherba storonam konflikta interesov informaciya o fakte narusheniya nauchnoy etiki mozhet byt' peredana po mestu raboty avtora.

4.7. Redakciya ostavlyaet za soboy pravo prinimat' samostoyatel'no reshenie otnositel'no dal'neyshego sotrudnichestva s avtorami retragirovannyh statey (polnyy otkaz ot sotrudnichestva, otkaz ot sotrudnichestva na opredelennoe vremya, naznachenie dopolnitel'noy ekspertizy statey v sluchae povtornogo sotrudnichestva).

Obsuzhden i utverzhden na zasedanii redakcionnoy kollegii zhurnala (protokol № 2 ot 16.05.2019)

Plata za publikaciyu i recenzirovanie statey otsutstvuet

Kaverina Larisa  — Editor in chief
Saint Petersburg University of the MIA of Russia (editorial department, glavnyy redaktor)
employee from 01.01.2018 until now
candidate of philological sciences from 01.01.2004 until now
Saint Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
SPIN: 7697-7433 ORCID:0000-0001-6294-2042 Web Of Science: 1211297
Amelchakov Igor  — Chairman of the Editorial Board
candidate of jurisprudence sciences
St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Astafichyev Pavyel Aleksandrovich  — Editorial board member
Saint Petersburg University of the Ministry Internal Affairs of Russian Federation (kafedra konstitucionnogo i mezhdunarodnogo prava)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Russian Federation
Bavsun Maksim  — Editorial board member
Saint Petersburg University of the MIA of Russia (Deputy Head of the University (for Research))
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
SPIN: 8591-6572 ORCID:0000-0002-1407-2609 Web Of Science: https://publons.com/researcher/AAI-2365-2021/
Balakhonsky Vitali  — Editorial board member
Saint-Petersburg University of the MIA of Russia
doctor of philosophical sciences
St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Beketov Oleg  — Editorial board member
Omsk Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Academic rank Zasluzhennyy yurist RF
Omsk, Omsk, Russian Federation
SPIN: https://www.elibrary.ru/author_profile.asp?authorid=681693
Boldyryev Vladimir  — Editorial board member
Northwestern branch of the Russian University of Justice (Department of Civil Law, professor)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Russian Federation
Buchakova Marina  — Editorial board member
Omsk Academy of the Ministry of the Interior of the Russian Federation (kafedra konstitucionnogo i mezhdunarodnogo prava, nachal'nik kafedry)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Omsk, Omsk, Russian Federation
SPIN: https://www.elibrary.ru/author_profile.asp?authorid=283452
Vasil'eva Inna  — Editorial board member
Tyumen State University (Department of General and Social Psychology, head of department)
doctor of psychological sciences
Russian Federation
Vahnina Viktoriya  — Editorial board member
University of prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation (Department of Psychological Support, Head of Department)
doctor of psychological sciences
Moscow, Russian Federation
Geyzhan Natalia  — Editorial board member
Saint Petersburg University of the MIA of Russia (professor kafedry pedagogiki i psihologii)
doctor of pedagogical sciences
Academic rank zasluzhennyy rabotnik vysshey shkoly Rossiyskoy Federacii
St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
SPIN: 5372-4679 ORCID:0000-0002-1272-8766
Geldibaev Movlad  — Editorial board member
Baltiyskiy gumanitarnyy institut (yuridicheskiy fakul'tet, dekan)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Grivennaya Elena  — Editorial board member
Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
doctor of pedagogical sciences
Russian Federation
Dozorceva Elena  — Editorial board member
Serbsky National Medical Research Centre for Psychiatry and Narcology (Laboratory of psychology of children and adolescents, Chief Researcher)
doctor of psychological sciences
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
SCOPUS: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57200697993 SPIN: 5957-6460 ORCID:0000-0002-1309-0485 Web Of Science: https://publons.com/researcher/3080154/elena-dozortseva/
Erofeeva Maria  — Editorial board member
Moscow University of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia named after V. Ya. Kikot (Department of Pedagogy of the Educational and Scientific Complex of Psychology of Service Activity, Professor)
doctor of pedagogical sciences
Moscow, Russian Federation
Eskina Lyudmila  — Editorial board member
North-West Management Institute of The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (kafedra pravovedeniya, professor)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Ilakavichus Marina  — Editorial board member
Saint Petersburg University of the MIA of Russia (department of pedagogy and psychology, professor)
doctor of pedagogical sciences
St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
SPIN: 2799-0625 ORCID:0000-0003-4706-2877
Kaplunov Andrey  — Editorial board member
Saint Petersburg University of the MIA of Russia (Professor of the Department of Administrative Law)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Kovalenko Victor  — Editorial board member
Belgorod State Institute of Arts and Culture (pedagogiki i metodiki professional'nogo obrazovaniya, professor)
doctor of pedagogical sciences
Belgorod, Russian Federation
Kolarich Dragana  — Editorial board member
University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies (professor)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Belgrad, Serbia
Kubyshko Vladimir  — Editorial board member
candidate of pedagogical sciences
Moscow, Russian Federation
Latyshov Igor  — Editorial board member
Saint Petersburg University of the Ministry Internal Affairs of Russian Federation
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Mescheryakova Elena  — Editorial board member
Russian Air Force Military Educational and Scientific Center «Air Force Academy named after Professor N.E. Zhukovsky and Y.A. Gagarin» (Senior Scientist Researcher)
doctor of pedagogical sciences
Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
Nizhnik Nadezhda  — Editorial board member
Saint Petersburg University of the MIA of Russia (Department of theory of state and law, Head of Department)
employee from 01.01.2015 until now
doctor of jurisprudence sciences ,
candidate of historical sciences
Academic rank zasluzhennyy rabotnik vysshey shkoly Rossiyskoy Federacii from 05.12.2017 until now
Russian Federation
Nikiforov German  — Editorial board member
St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Nikolaeva Tatyana  — Editorial board member
St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Nikulenko Andrey  — Editorial board member
Saint Petersburg University of the MIA of Russia (uchenyy sovet, uchenyy sekretar')
employee from 01.01.2018 until now
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Sankt-Peterburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Ruzakova Ol'ga  — Editorial board member
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (professor)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Russian Federation
Safonov Alexander  — Editorial board member
National Research University Higher School of Economics (kafedra teorii i istorii prava, professor)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Moscow, Russian Federation
Serdyuk Natal'ya  — Editorial board member
Academy of Management of the MIA of Russia (kafedra psihologii, pedagogiki i organizacii raboty s kadrami, nachal'nik)
doctor of pedagogical sciences
Moscow, Russian Federation
Sleptsov Igor'  — Editorial board member
Kostanai Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after Shyrakbek Kabylbayev (criminal law and organization of punishment execution department, professor of the department, uuipik@mail.ru)
candidate of jurisprudence sciences
Kostanay, Kazakhstan
Strelnikova Yuliya  — Editorial board member
Saint-Petersburg University of the MIA of Russia (Department of Psychology, Pedagogy, Professor)
doctor of psychological sciences
St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Tyunin Vladimir  — Editorial board member
Saint Petersburg University of the Ministry Internal Affairs of Russian Federation (ugolovnogo prava, professor)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Ul'yanina Ol'ga  — Editorial board member
Federal Coordination Center for Providing Psychological Services in the Education System of the Russian Federation (Head of the Center)
doctor of psychological sciences
corresponding member Russian Academy of Education ,
Moscow, Russian Federation
Ukhov Vladimir  — Editorial board member
Saint Petersburg University of the MIA of Russia (kafedra administrativnogo prava, nachal'nik)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Khimicheva Olga  — Editorial board member
Kikotya Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (nachal'nik kafedry ugolovnogo processa)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Academic rank zasluzhennyy rabotnik vysshey shkoly Rossiyskoy Federacii
Moscow, Russian Federation
Cvetkov Vyacheslav  — Editorial board member
Kirov Institute for Advanced Training of Employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Russian Federation (Head of the Department of law psychology of the training and research complex of psychology of performance, chief)
doctor of psychological sciences
Russian Federation
Tsvetkov Igor  — Editorial board member
Moscow, Russian Federation
Chestnov Il'ya  — Editorial board member
St. Petersburg Law Institute (branch) of University of the Office of the Prosecutor of the Russian Federation (Professor)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Chechetin Andrew  — Editorial board member
St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Sharanov Yuri  — Editorial board member
Saint Petersburg University of the MIA of Russia (professor kafedry yuridicheskoy psihologii)
doctor of psychological sciences
St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Shakhmatov Alexander  — Editorial board member
Saint-Petersburg University of the MIA of Russia (Department of Operational-Investigative Activity, Professor)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Ytrobina Eliana  — Editorial office
Saint Petersburg University of the Ministry Internal Affairs of Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Morgunov Anton  — Executive secretary
Saint Petersburg University of the Ministry Internal Affairs of Russian Federation (redakciya zhurnala "Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta MVD Rossii", otvetstvennyy sekretar')
Russian Federation

Архивные рубрики

Registration address
198206, 1, Letchika Pilyutova str., Saint Petersburg, 198206, Russian Federation
St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
The certificate of registration of the periodical
Эл № ФС77-84786

Subject-matter of the journal. The results of original fundamental and applied scientific researches on legal, pedagogical and psychological problems in relation to law enforcement are published in the Journal «Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo Universiteta MVD Rossii».


Criteria for selection of articles are: appropriate profile of the Journal, novelty, relevance and validity of the results. Submitted manuscripts will not be returned. It is not allowed to send to the Editorial Board the papers that have been already published and/or accepted for publication previously in other editions. By submitting an article to the Editorial Board, the author agrees to the editorial corrections of the material.

All submitted to the Editorial Board materials are checked for the presence of borrowings from public sources, the validation is performed using the system «AntiPlagiat».

Article processing charge is absent. 

Received articles are registered. The date of registration is the day of the provision of a complete set of materials. If the article is returned to the author for revision, then the date of its registration is considered the day of receipt of the final text.

Received articles are reviewed.

The editors reserve the right to literary editing of the article.

Not accepted for publication materials are not returned to the authors.


Language and geography of the Journal. The main language of the Journal is Russian. Metadata of the articles are published in Russian and English. The geography of the journal’s authors includes both Russian and foreign authors. Articles of foreign authors are published in English, which allows to expand the geography of readers and strengthen the integration processes in the global scientific community.

Format requirements for scientific articles:

– Volume – 15-30 pages of typewritten text (the standard page is 1800 symbols with spaces, including tables, pictures and references).

– The text editor Word and font Times New Roman should be used when typing an article (Type size – 14; Line spacing – 1.5 cm; Indentation – 1.25 cm; Margins: left ‒ 2.5 cm, right ‒ 1.5 cm, top and bottom ‒ 2.0 cm). If additional fonts were used when typing, the author must provide them to the editorial department;

– Alignment – portrait;

– Page numbering (except first page) – left bottom;

It is not allowed to use manual hyphenation and spaces.

In the Russian language text «French quotations symbols» are used for quotations and in the text in foreign languages – “curly quotes”.

Illustrations (pictures, tables, graphs, charts, etc.) are submitted separately (as separate files fragment and on separate pages in printed form). The recommended width of the drawing should not exceed 14 cm, the height should not exceed 18 cm. The recommended format is *jpg. Illustrative materials should have a minimum resolution of 300 pixels/inch. It is not allowed to submit them through the official Microsoft Office programs, imported into Word.

The name of the units of various sizes cuts such as “y.” (year) must be preceded by a non-breaking space (see. “Insert” – “Symbols”), indicating the prohibition on their separation from the numbers or words they define. The same is with the initials and surnames. The file (electronic version) of the article should be completely identical to the printed original.

The material should be presented in electronic and printed form (on one side of a standard A4 sheet).


Standard Design of the Paper (template)


Requirements for article’s elements



Recommendations of the Editorial Board

Information about

the authors

A surname, a name, a patronymic

The authors are listed in the order which they determine themselves by mutual agreement, more often it depends on their contribution to the work performed. Experts do not recommend to indicate more than 2 authors in the articles of humanitarian profile and also of small volume articles. Scientists and practitioners who assisted in the preparation and conduction of the research described in the article should be indicated in the final part of the article (the “Acknowledgments” section).

In the transliteration of the author’s  surname and initials it is important to comply with the following sequence: full name, initial letter of patronymic, surname (Anna V. Ivanova). It is important to indicate the initial letter of the patronymic when creating authors' profiles in the international scientific databases, it allows to identify the author accurately and to avoid making mistakes when adding articles to existing profiles. 


Affiliation (the place of the author’s employment)

It is necessary to indicate the place of employment of each author or the name of the organization that carried out the research, the city, the country. The name of the organization (Russian / English) should coincide with the name in the Charter. 

The volume of the article

15-30 pages

Standard A4 page –1800 symbols with spaces, including tables, pictures and references list. 

The title

The title of the article should not exceed 75 symbols (10-12 words)

The title of the article should: be informative and concise, correspond to the scientific style of the text, contain the main keywords that characterize the topic (subject) of the research and the content of the work. The title should be easily perceived by the readers and search engines. When translating the title of the article into English do not use transliteration from Russian into Latin, except for untranslated proper names; do not use jargon known only to Russian-speaking specialists. It is not recommended to use abbreviations and formulas. 



150-250 words

Abstract includes: the relevance of the research topic, the statement of the problem, the aim and the methods of the study, the results and key conclusions. 


5-7 words, not exceeding 10 words

You can use words or set phrases using which it will be possible to find the article. The number of words inside the key phrase should not exceed 3.

The structure of the article

There should be at least 3 sections (Introduction, Description of the study (methods, materials, results), Conclusion)

The Introduction includes: the relevance of the research topic, the review of the literature on the topic, the statement of the problem, the formulation of the aim and objectives of the study.

The Description of the study includes: description of methods and schemes of observations / experiments in order to allow other scientists to reproduce the results, using only the text of the article; description of materials, instruments, equipment, sampling and conditions for observations/ experiments; actual results of the study (text, tables, graphs, diagrams, photographs, drawings) and interpretation of the results (the compliance of the results with the hypothesis of the study, limitations of research and generalization of its results, proposals for practical application, proposals for the direction of future research).

The Conclusion contains brief summaries of the sections of the article without repeating the formulations. 

Number of pictures and tables

Not exceeding 8 pictures and tables

They should be described, analyzed in the text of the article.


They are put at the end of the article

The author expresses: appreciation to colleagues for their help; gratitude for the financial support of the study (in the case of a grant).

The list of references (bibliography)

At least 10 scientific sources

Do not include in the list of references anonymous sources and regulatory documents (regulations, laws, instructions, etc.) that will never be indexed in citation databases; it is preferable to quote them directly in the text or in text footnotes; it is not recommended to use hard-to-reach, unpublished, small-circulation, as well as local, popular and educational sources in the bibliography: abstracts of dissertations and dissertations, newspapers, unpublished reports, manuals and textbooks.


The numbers for the Universal Decimal Classification (UDC, https://teacode.com/online/udc/) have to be indicated at the beginning of an article.

This is followed by the title of the article, the initials and surnames of the authors, ORCID (in the absence, you must register at https://orcid.org/), the name of the institution (s) in which an article was performed.

The article should be provided:

– the full information about the author (authors), including a surname, a name, a patronymic, a scientific and academic degree, position, place of work or study (full name), e-mail, post address, phone. For the authors who do not have a scientific degree, the surname, the first name and the patronymic of the supervisor, his position, place of employment and specialty (name and number according to the classification of  Higher Attestation Commission) are additionally indicated;

– English version of the name and initials of the author(s);

– title of an article in Russian and English;

– the name of the institution (or institutions) in which an article was performed in Russian and English;

– the abstract of the article in Russian (150-250 words) and in English (150-250 words). The main idea should be clearly determined in the abstract (it should contain the relevance of the topic, the aim and object of the study, it should reveal its theoretical basis, the obtained results and their practical value);

– key words or phrases (5-7 words), required for indexing articles, in Russian and in English languages;

– the text of the article in Russian language signed by all authors. If the author doesn’t have a scientific degree, the article should also be signed by his supervisor;

– the section “Bibliography” and the section “References” containing the list of references, in which all sources are given in Latin, i.e. transliterated (http://translit.net/ru/), and are listed at the end of the article. The number of the source in the list of references and after comma – the page number (e.g. [3, p. 25]) is indicated in the text of the article in brackets. Sources should follow the order mentioned in the text. Be sure to specify the following data: for books – surname and initials of the author (editor), book title, place of publication (city), year of publication, total number of pages; for journal articles – surname and initials of the author, article title, journal title, year of publication, number, issue, pages (first and last one);

For sources published in foreign periodicals the DOI should be indicated (see, for example, the website: http://www.crossref.org).

The authors of the article are responsible for the correct list of references

All the quotes in the article should be correlated with the list of references. In case of direct quoting indicate page numbers.

Indicate the full output of the original text in translations.

Use superscript Arabic numerals to cite material in the text.

The factual material should reflect the latest data, it should be carefully checked and confirmed by references to sources.

Tables and other digital data should be checked carefully up and supplied by references to sources. Tables are given in the text, number and the name are specified above the table.

All abbreviations should be disclosed at the first reference.

The materials submitted to the Editorial Board must be carefully verified.

Special attention should be paid to the quality of translation of the abstract and keywords into English. The editors reserve the right to reject the article in case of a poor translation into English.

The translation of all metadata (information about the authors, article title, abstract, keywords) must be certified by a specialist of the Department of Foreign Languages, translation bureau, etc. (for example, «The translation corresponds to the original in Russian», the signature of the specialist, certified by the stamp of the organization in which he works).

At the time of submission of the article, it is necessary to specify whether artificial intelligence (AI) or AI-based technology was used in the preparation of the manuscript or part thereof. In a separate section of the manuscript (which may be a section of the methods), authors should clearly describe how AI was used in the research and/or preparation of the manuscript. This may include using LLM chat bots (such as ChatGPT) and image creators. Artificial intelligence or technology using AI is not considered authors and should not be listed as authors or co-authors in the manuscript. Nor should they be cited as authors or co-authors of references.


In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, any reference in the article, article metadata or other documents attached to the article must be accompanied by an appropriate note. It concerns:

  1. Public and religious associations and other organizations in regard to which there is a court decision on liquidation or prohibition of activity on the basis of the Federal Law "On Combating Extremist Activity" dated 25.07.2002 No. 114;

The list https://minjust.gov.ru/ru/documents/7822/

  1. Organisations, including foreign and international organisations, classified as being terrorist in accordance with the Federal Law "On Combating Terrorism" dated 06.03.2006 No. 35;

The list http://www.fsb.ru/fsb/npd/terror.htm

  1. Foreign and international non-governmental organisations whose activities are considered undesirable on the territory of the Russian Federation in accordance with the Federal Law "On enforcement measures against persons involved in violations of fundamental human rights and freedoms, rights and freedoms of citizens of the Russian Federation" dated 28.12.2012 No. 272;

The list https://minjust.gov.ru/ru/documents/7756/ 

  1. Foreign agents considered as such in accordance with the Federal Law "On Control over the Activities of Persons Under Foreign Influence" dated 14.07.2022 No. 255;

The Register https://minjust.gov.ru/uploaded/files/reestr-inostrannyih-agentov-26012024.pdf 

The author (in the case of co-authorship – the author responsible for publication), presenting the article to the editorial office, guarantees that the text is original (has not been previously published anywhere else and has not been accepted for publication in other editorial offices), confirms his consent (in the case of co-authorship – the consent of all authors) with the rules of the journal and gives the editorial staff the rights for publishing the article, using the electronic version (posting on the journal's website, etc.). The author also informs about the presence or absence of a conflict of interest related to the publication of the article.

At the end of the article, the author(s) must make a note of the following content:

"The presented material has not been previously published anywhere else and is not currently being reviewed for publication in other editions. I declare that there is no conflict of interest associated with the publication of this article in the journal "Vestnik of St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia". I authorise the publication of the full-text version of the article, and its parts in open access on the Internet, as well as on the official pages of the journal in social networks. Artificial intelligence capabilities were used (not used) in the creation of the article (the part of the article). There are no (if there are, specify where) references to:

  1. public and religious associations and other organisations in regard to which there is a court decision on liquidation or prohibition of activity on the basis of the Federal Law "On Combating Extremist Activity" dated 25.07.2002 No. 114;

  2. organisations, including foreign and international organisations, classified as being terrorist in accordance with the Federal Law "On Combating Terrorism" dated 06.03.2006 No. 35;

  3. foreign and international non-governmental organisations whose activities are considered undesirable on the territory of the Russian Federation in accordance with the Federal Law "On enforcement measures against persons involved in violations of fundamental human rights and freedoms, rights and freedoms of citizens of the Russian Federation" dated 28.12.2012 No. 272;

  4. foreign agents considered as such in accordance with the Federal Law "On Control over the Activities of Persons Under Foreign Influence" dated 14.07.2022 No. 255".

If  there are several authors, it is necessary to specify their contribution to the creation of the article (for example, "The authors contributed equally to the paper" or specify the personal contribution of each author).

Date, signature of the author(s)."

Articles of an applicable nature should be considered by the expert committee on the regime of secrecy with the provision of relevant information.

The author must attach to the set of documents consent to the processing of personal data

The articles of applicants and postgraduate are supervised by the scientific supervisor.

Signatures are certified by the stamp of the personnel department of the organization in which the author works.

Articles drawn up without taking into account the above requirements are not considered.



The editors of the Journal "Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo Universiteta MVD Rossii" are guided by ethical standards adopted by the international scientific community. In its activities, the editors follow the recommendations of the Committee on Scientific Ethics of Publications (http://publicationethics.org/). The publishing house maintains a neutral position on issues published in the Journal.

The editors of the journal "Bulletin of the Saint Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia" are guided by ethical standards proposed by the Committee on the Ethics of Scientific Publications COPE, the European Association of Scientific Editors EASE (http://www.ease.org.uk), the Council of Scientific Editors CSE (http: //www.councilscienceeditors.org), Association of Scientific Editors and Publishers of ANRI (http://rasep.ru).

The author of an article, an editor, a reviewer, a publisher must comply with ethical standards at all stages of publication, from the submission of the article to its publication in the Journal.

The ethical rules of the Journal must be followed by authors, reviewers, members of the editorial office, editorial staff, as well as all participants in the process of publishing information provided by the Journal.

The Editor-in-Chief, members of the editorial office, and editorial staff play an important role in resolving potential cases of data fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, image manipulation, unethical research, biased reports, copyright infringement, redundant or duplicate publication, and conflicts of interest.


The Editor-in-Chief provides ethical support and control:

• ensures the fulfillment of the requests of readers and authors;

• ensures high quality of published materials;

• guarantees and ensures freedom of expression;

• ensures the integrity of published scientific materials;

• if necessary, ensures the publication of amendments, clarifications, rebuttals and apologies.

Decisions to publish or reject an article are based solely on its value, originality, readability, and relevance of the content to the Journal.

The rules for authors and reviewers, which are regularly reviewed and adjusted, indicate the requirements for them.

The Editor-in-Chief and editorial staff ensure the right of reviewers to the confidentiality of their work, the confidentiality of the submitted materials until their publication, and also respond to complaints in a timely manner.

It is possible to publish justified criticism of previously published material in the Journal, unless convincing reasons are provided (by the Editor-in-Chief or other persons) to refrain from such publications. Before publishing a critical review, the author of the criticized materials is given the opportunity to familiarize himself with it, as well as to respond to the comments made.

The Editor-in-Chief and editorial staff are obliged to take adequate actions if a violation of ethical standards is suspected (to request clarifications from the authors, etc.). If an appropriate investigation reveals the fact of falsification, an article is not accepted for publication, and such a case is brought to the attention of readers.

The interests (financial, personal, political, religious) of the participants in the publication process (authors, Editor-in-Chief, members of the editorial board and editorial board, editorial staff, reviewers, etc.), which may affect the presentation and objective assessment of the research results, must be disclosed.

The following are considered unlawful acts:

• forgery, falsification;

• plagiarism (misappropriation of intellectual property, as well as significant copying of other work);

• duplicate or redundant publication (verbatim reproduction of the text of another publication by the same author in excess of 30%).

Any previous publications must be disclosed in the article.

Allegations of alleged wrongdoing containing detailed facts to substantiate claims should be considered even if they are anonymous.

The journal encourages discussion and constructive criticism of the works published in it.

When considering an article, the editorial board of the Journal checks the material using the Antiplagiat system (Plagiarism Detection System). When identifying borrowings, the editors act in accordance with the COPE rules.

Code of Ethics for Scientific Publications

The Code of Ethics for Scientific Publications combines and reveals the general principles and rules that should guide the interactions of participants in the process of scientific publications: authors, reviewers, editors, publishers, distributors and readers.

Basic terms:

Ethics of scientific publications is a system of norms of professional behavior in the relations between authors, reviewers, editors, publishers and readers in the process of creating, distributing and using scientific publications.

Editor - a representative of a scientific journal or publishing house who prepares materials for publication, as well as maintains communication with authors and readers of scientific publications.

Author is a person or a group of persons (a team of authors) involved in the creation of a publication of the results of a scientific study.

Reviewer - an expert acting on behalf of a scientific journal or publishing house and conducting a scientific examination of copyrighted materials in order to determine the possibility of their publication.

Publisher - a legal or natural person who publishes a scientific publication.

Reader - any person who has read the published materials.

Plagiarism is the deliberate appropriation of the authorship of someone else's work of science or art, someone else's ideas or inventions. Plagiarism may be a violation of copyright law and patent law, and as such may incur legal liability.

Principles of Professional Ethics in the Activities of an Editor and a Publisher

In its activities, an editor is responsible for the publication of copyrighted works, in connection with which he/she is guided by the following fundamental principles:

- when making a decision on publication, an editor of a scientific journal is guided by the reliability of the presentation of data and the scientific significance of the work in question;

- an editor must evaluate the intellectual content of manuscripts, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, origin, citizenship, social status or political preferences of the authors;

- unpublished data obtained from submitted manuscripts should not be used for personal purposes or transferred to third parties without the written consent of the author. Information or ideas obtained during editing and related to possible benefits must be kept confidential and not used for personal gain;

- an editor should not allow information to be published if there are sufficient grounds to believe that it is plagiarism;

- an editor, together with the publisher, should not leave unanswered claims regarding the reviewed manuscripts or published materials, and also, if a conflict situation is identified, take all necessary measures to restore violated rights.

Ethical Principles in the Activities of a Reviewer

A reviewer carries out a scientific examination of copyright materials, as a result of which his actions must be unbiased, consisting in the implementation of the following principles:

‑ the manuscript received for review should be considered as a confidential document that cannot be transferred for review or discussion to third parties who do not have the authority of the editors;

‑ a reviewer is obliged to give an objective and reasoned assessment of the stated results of the study. Personal criticism of the author is unacceptable;

‑ unpublished data obtained from submitted manuscripts should not be used by the reviewer for personal purposes;

‑ a reviewer who, in his opinion, does not have sufficient qualifications to evaluate the manuscript, or cannot be objective, for example, in case of a conflict of interest with the author or organization, should inform the editor about this with a request to exclude him from the review process of this manuscript.

Principles to Be Followed by an Author of Scientific Publications

An author is a researcher who has made a significant intellectual contribution to the published work and presented the results of his/her research. In the case of co-authorship, each author is responsible for  at least one component of the work and must be aware of the contributions of others. He must be fully confident in the qualifications and professionalism of his co-authors.

All persons credited as authors must meet the definition of authorship. Participation in the work of each author should be significant enough, since each author is publicly responsible for its respective component.

Authors may enter into separate, additional contractual agreements for the distribution of published work (for example, placing it in a university repository or publishing it in a book), with recognition of its original publication in this Journal.

All persons related to the work, but not meeting the authorship criteria, are listed in the "Expression of Appreciation" / “Acknowledgments” section (persons who helped in planning the study, selecting material and analyzing it, preparing the manuscript for publication, etc.).

An author does not have the right to send the same text to different editions. If an article uses previously published information, an author must indicate its source, and, at the request of the editor, provide a copy of the cited material.

An author needs to confirm that his/her article is original, and indicate the sources of the cited information.

An author is obliged to declare a potential conflict of interest (for example, circumstances that, in his/her opinion, may affect the publication process).

If a significant error is found in a publication, an author must immediately inform an editor about it. During the preparation of the material for publication, an author is obliged to cooperate with an editor and a publisher and, if necessary, introduce appropriate changes into the text.

An author takes full responsibility for possible plagiarism of the text, pictures and other materials. Any copyright infringement will be dealt with according to the criteria proposed by COPE.

An author (or a team of authors) is aware that he/she bears the primary responsibility for the novelty and reliability of the results of scientific research, which implies compliance with the following principles:

‑ authors of the article must provide reliable results of the research. Knowingly erroneous or falsified statements are unacceptable;

‑ authors must ensure that the results of the study presented in a submitted manuscript are completely original. Borrowed fragments or statements must be formalized with the obligatory indication of an author and source. Excessive borrowing, as well as plagiarism in any form, including inaccurate quotations, paraphrasing, or appropriation of rights to the results of other people's research, is unethical and unacceptable;

‑ it is necessary to recognize the contribution of all persons who in one way or another influenced the course of the study, in particular, the article should contain references to works that were important in the conduct of the study;

‑ authors should not submit to the Journal a manuscript that has been sent to another journal and is under consideration, as well as an article already published in another journal;

‑ co-authors of the article should indicate all persons who have made a significant contribution to the study. Among the co-authors, it is unacceptable to indicate persons who did not participate in the study;

‑ if the author finds significant errors or inaccuracies in the article at the stage of its consideration or after its publication, he must notify editors of the Journal as soon as possible.

Conflict of Interest

A conflict of interest arises if an author (or the institution in which he/she works), a reviewer, an editor or any participant in the preparation of the publication has financial or private interests (personal relationships, scientific rivalry, intellectual differences, etc.) which may have a negative impact on their performance.

Reviewers provide the editors with information about possible conflicts of interest that may affect their opinion regarding the manuscript. In the presence of such a danger, they refrain from reviewing this material. Reviewers may not take advantage of the results of the work in question prior to its publication.

All participants in the process of preparing an article for publication are required to disclose information about any relationship that may be considered as a potential source of conflict of interest.

The editorial office publishes such information if they believe that it may have an impact on the evaluation of the manuscript.

1. The results of original fundamental and applied scientific researches on legal, pedagogical and psychological problems in relation to law enforcement are published in the Journal «Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo Universiteta MVD Rossii».


The criteria for the selection of articles are compliance with the profile of the journal, novelty, relevance and validity of the results. Submitted manuscripts are not returned back. It is not allowed to send works to the editorial office that are published and / or accepted for publication in other editions. By submitting an article to the editor, the author agrees to an editorial revision of the material.

2. The work on the formation of the issue is carried out by the editorial board of the journal, which include Russian and foreign experts. The journal is published by the editorial board.

3. The journal is peer-reviewed. The reviewers are recognized qualified Russian and foreign experts in relevant fields of knowledge.

4. The Editorial Board provides for the review of all scientific materials, controls the compliance of the authors with the rules for the composition of articles.

5. Authors, reviewers, the Editorial Board and the editors of the journal comply with the provisions of the publication ethics.

6. The journal publishes, free of charge and without payment of the author's fee, up-to-date, original, objective and reasonable scientific materials, which were first sent to the press. The journal does not publish journalistic, popular and educational texts, advertising and other non-core materials.


7. The Editorial Board has the right to edit the title and text of scientific material, bibliography.


8. When forming the journal number, preference is given to materials:

– corresponding to the thematic profile and rubrics of the journal;

– containing a clear description of the problem and a reasoned author's version of its resolution;

– having an original character (prepared by the authors independently and not previously published);

– having a novelty of research (based on the results of their own scientific research and present new scientific knowledge);

– having a scientific presentation style (general language literacy, consistency, consistency, clarity, special terminology, the availability of references, etc.)


9. The article is submitted to the editors of the journal in printed and electronic form (through a personal account on the website of the Journal https://vestnikspbmvd.ru or by e-mail vestnik@univermvd.ru). Article is issued in accordance with the requirements for scientific articles in the Journal «Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo Universiteta MVD Rossii».

10. The received article is registered in the articles registration journal with indication of the date of receipt, title, full name of an author(s). An individual registration number is assigned to an article.

11. After registration, the article is sent to the initial assessment by the editor-in-chief (assistant editor-in-chief), who appoints reviewers for the article.

12. After assigning reviewers, the personal data of the author (s) is deleted from the article. As such, the article is e-mailed to reviewers.

13. After conducting an expert assessment of the article, the reviewer sends to the editor a formed review.

14. The decision to publish an article is made by the Editorial Board of the Journal, depending on the results of the review and verification of the text of the manuscript for originality using specialized software.

With the originality of the text below 70% (while borrowing from one source can not be more than 7%, the borrowing is not allowed in the conclusions), the article is rejected.

No more than one article by one author, including the co-authorship, can be published in one issue of the Journal.

15. The editorial board sends an email to the author (s) about the decision taken on the article: publish, publish after revision, the letter provides recommendations for revision.

If it is decided to reject the publication, the reasons for such a decision are indicated.

The article, revised by the author according to the recommendations of the reviewer, is sent by the editors to the same reviewer for a second review.

16. If the article is recommended for publication, it undergoes editorial preparation – technical and literary editing, proofreading. The final version of the article prepared for publication, if necessary, is agreed with the author (s).

17. The next issue of the Journal includes articles in relation to which at the beginning of the layout (in accordance with the production schedule) there are reviews recommending publication and agreed with the author (s).

18. The Journal is a quarterly publication; coming out in March, June, September and December.
19. Distribution of the journal is carried out in accordance with the distribution list.
20. In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, compulsory free copies of the journal are distributed.
21. Each issue of Journal are received by the University library.

22. Issues of Journal are distributed to the authors of articles and members of the Editorial Board in electronic form (sent by e-mail).


23. The copyrights to all materials published in the Journal belong to the founder and publisher.

24. The authors guarantee the Journal the right to reproduce unique materials in their work. In the case of unauthorized use by the authors of materials, the rights to which belong to third parties, the authors of the manuscript are responsible for their reproduction.

Finansirovanie izdaniya zhurnala osuschestvlyaetsya za schet sredstv uchreditelya zhurnala - Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta MVD Rossii

The Journal reviews all materials submitted to the Editorial Board that are relevant to its topic in order to give expert evaluation. All peer-reviewers are recognized experts on the subject of peer-reviewed materials and have their own publications on the subject of the article under review during the last 3 years.

1. The form of the peer-review is double-blind.

2. The review of the supervisor (scientific supervisor) or the research adviser does not replace the peer-review.

3. The peer-reviewing of articles is free of charge for the authors.

4. The manuscript of a scientific paper, accepted by the Editorial Board in printed and electronic form, is considered by the editor-in-chief for compliance to the profile of the Journal, the requirements of article submission guidelines and is registered in the article registration logbook.

5. The submitted manuscript is considered during one month by the Editorial Board for compliance with the formal requirements of the Editorial Board of the Journal and after approval it is sent for a peer-review. The editor-in-chief (the deputy editor-in-chief) chooses the peer-reviewers.

6. Candidates and doctors of sciences including expert practitioners (practicians) with recognized authority and working in the scientific field relevant to articles topics are involved in peer-reviewing. The peer-review is signed by a specialist with an interpretation of the surname, name and patronymic, an indication of a scientific degree, academic rank, position, date of peer-review.

7. The peer-reviewer cannot be the author or co-author of the article under peer-reviewing, as well as (scientific) supervisor of the applicant for an academic degree and employees of the department where the author works.

8. The peer-reviewers are notified that the manuscripts submitted to them are intellectual property of the authors and are classified as the data that are not subject to disclosure, it is not allowed to make copies of the articles.

9. Infringement of confidentiality of information about the peer-reviewers and the authors of the articles is possible only in case of the peer-reviewer’s statement for unauthenticity or falsification of the materials made in the manuscript.

10. The term of preparing the peer-review is established in coordination with the peer-reviewer, but it cannot exceed two weeks from the moment of the manuscript receipt to the peer-reviewer (Reviewer's memo).

11. The peer-review should contain the qualified analysis of the material of the article, the objective and substantiated estimation of its material and reasonable recommendations about the improvement of quality of work. The peer-reviewer estimates the basic merits and demerits of the manuscript of the article, being guided thus by following criteria: conformity of the maintenance of the article to the Journal profile, relevance of the selected research topic, scientific and methodical level, use of necessary techniques of research, novelty and originality of fundamental principles and conclusions, practical use.

12. The peer-review is made under the standard form (Appendix 1) or in the free form with obligatory indication of the following matters:

- general analysis of the scientific level, terminology, structure of the article, the relevance of the research topic;

- scientific style, conformity of the methods, techniques, recommendations and results of researches used by the author to modern achievements of science and practice;

- the validity of the statement of the problem (issue) or the obtained results for the further development of theory and practice in the field of the research;

- discrepancies, errors, infringement of rules of citing admitted by the author;

- estimation of completeness of the article concerning language and style, its conformity to the established editorial requirements.

The final part of the peer-review should contain general conclusions and recommendation about expediency of its publication in the Journal or about the necessity of its completion.

13. In the case of a negative peer-review of the article in whole (the recommendation about inexpediency of its publication) the peer-reviewer should prove his conclusions. In the case of discrepancy of the article to one or several criteria the peer-reviewer specifies the necessity of completion of the article and makes recommendations to the author on the article improvement (with indication of errors admitted by the author).

14. The Editorial Board submits the results of the peer-review to the author (sends the copies of the peer-reviews or a reasoned refusal) and sends copies of the peer-reviews to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation upon receipt of the relevant request to the Editorial Board.

15. Articles completed by the author repeatedly go to the peer-reviewer who has made critical comments.

16. In the case the author disagrees with the peer-reviewer’s opinion he or she may apply for re-reviewing or withdraw the article. This fact is fixed in a special register.

17. In the case of negative peer-review the article is transferred to another peer-reviewer who doesn’t know about the results of the previous peer-review. In the case of negative re-reviewing the copies of the negative peer-reviews go to the author to complete the article.

18. The final decision about expediency of the article publication after peer-reviewing is taken by the Editorial Board.

19. The cases of article reject:

- the theme of the article does not correspond with the scope of the Journal;

- the article is not adjusted properly and the authors refuse to update the articles;

- the article is not completed by the author after the peer-review.

20. The terms of article peer-reviewing are not longer than 3 months.

21. The peer-reviews are kept within 5 years since the moment of the peer-reviewer’s assent.

22. The articles accepted for the publication are not given back to the authors.

Poryadok otzyva (retrakcii) stat'i v zhurnale «Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta MVD Rossii»

(razrabotan na osnove rekomendaciy Soveta po etike nauchnyh publikaciy Associacii nauchnyh redaktorov i izdateley)

1. Otzyv teksta ot publikacii (retrakciya) predstavlyaet soboy mehanizm ispravleniya opublikovannoy informacii i opovescheniya chitateley o tom, chto publikaciya soderzhit ser'eznye nedostatki ili oshibochnye dannye, kotorym nel'zya doveryat'. Nedostovernost' dannyh mozhet yavlyat'sya rezul'tatom dobrosovestnogo zabluzhdeniya ili osoznannyh narusheniy. Retrakciya ispol'zuetsya i v sluchae obnaruzheniya dubliruyuschih publikaciy, plagiata, sokrytiya konflikta interesov, kotorye mogli povliyat' na interpretaciyu dannyh ili rekomendacii ob ih ispol'zovanii.

2. Osnovaniem dlya otzyva stat'i yavlyayutsya sleduyuschie fakty:

  • obnaruzhenie nekorrektnyh zaimstvovaniy (plagiata) v publikacii;
  • dublirovanie stat'i v neskol'kih izdaniyah;
  • obnaruzhenie v rabote fal'sifikaciy ili fabrikaciy (naprimer, podtasovka eksperimental'nyh dannyh);
  • obnaruzhenie v rabote ser'eznyh oshibok (naprimer, nepravil'naya interpretaciya rezul'tatov), chto stavit pod somnenie ee nauchnuyu cennost';
  • nekorrektnyy sostav avtorov (vklyucheny lica, ne prinimavshie uchastie v napisanii stat'i, provedenii issledovaniya i t.d.; ne ukazany lica, prinimavshie neposredstvennoe uchastie v provedenii issledovaniya i napisanii stat'i);
  • skryt konflikt interesov;
  • perepublikaciya stat'i bez soglasiya avtora;
  • stat'ya ne prohodila proceduru recenzirovaniya.

3. Iniciatorom nachala procedury otzyva (retrakcii) stat'i mogut byt':

  • avtor(y) stat'i, kotoryy napravlyaet pis'mennoe motivirovannoe obraschenie v redakciyu zhurnala ob otzyve stat'i;
  • glavnyy redaktor zhurnala, kotoryy gotovit obosnovannoe predstavlenie o prichinah otzyva publikacii;
  • redakciya drugogo zhurnala, napravivshaya zapros v redakciyu zhurnala «Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta MVD Rossii»;
  • inye lica, predstavivshie dokazatel'stva narusheniya nauchnoy etiki avtorom(ami) stat'i (naprimer, uchastniki konflikta interesov).

4. Otzyv (retrakciya) statey v zhurnale «Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta MVD Rossii» osuschestvlyaetsya sleduyuschim obrazom:

4.1. Posle obrascheniya avtora ili drugogo lica, predostavivshego fakty narusheniya nauchnoy etiki v stat'e, redkollegiya zhurnala naznachaet komissiyu, kotoraya provodit vsestoronnee izuchenie sluchaya, s uchetom vseh imeyuschihsya faktov i vozmozhnostey proverki etichnosti publikacii;

4.2. Prinyav reshenie otozvat' stat'yu, redakciya ukazyvaet v protokole zasedaniya prichinu retrakcii (v sluchae obnaruzheniya plagiata - s ukazaniem na istochniki zaimstvovaniya), a takzhe datu retrakcii. Stat'ya i opisanie stat'i ostayutsya na internet-sayte zhurnala v sostave sootvetstvuyuschego vypuska zhurnala, no na elektronnuyu versiyu teksta nanositsya nadpis' OTOZVANA/RETRACTED i data retrakcii, eta zhe pometa stavitsya pri stat'e v oglavlenii vypuska. 

4.3. Redakciya ne udalyaet mehanicheski stat'i iz elektronnoy versii zhurnala i iz arhiva na sayte zhurnala, dlya soblyudeniya korrektnosti.

4.4. V Sovet po etike nauchnyh publikaciy Associacii nauchnyh redaktorov i izdateley (dlya vneseniya informacii v edinuyu bazu retragirovannyh statey) predostavlyaetsya protokol, v kotorom ukazyvaetsya data provedeniya zasedaniya, sostav zasedavshih, rezul'taty ekspertizy, obosnovannoe reshenie i zapolnennaya forma:

- FIO avtora i nazvanie stat'i;

- nazvanie izdaniya, iz kotorogo tekst otzyvaetsya;

- iniciator otzyva stat'i; 

- osnovanie dlya otzyva stat'i i data prinyatiya resheniya;

- ssylka na stranicu na sayte izdaniya, na kotoroy dana informaciya o retrakcii;

- vyhodnye dannye stat' i DOI (esli est');

- tematika (social'nye nauki; sel'skoe hozyaystvo i t.p.).

4.5. Informaciya ob otozvannyh tekstah peredaetsya v bazy nauchnoy informacii - NEB, KiberLeninka. Pri poluchenii zayavki na retrakciyu informaciya o stat'e i polnyy tekst ostayutsya na eLibrary.ru i v KiberLeninke, no dopolnyaetsya informaciey o retrakcii. Otozvannye stat'i i ssylki iz nih isklyuchayutsya iz RINC i ne uchastvuyut pri raschete pokazateley.

4.6. V sluchae ser'eznogo moral'nogo uscherba storonam konflikta interesov informaciya o fakte narusheniya nauchnoy etiki mozhet byt' peredana po mestu raboty avtora.

4.7. Redakciya ostavlyaet za soboy pravo prinimat' samostoyatel'no reshenie otnositel'no dal'neyshego sotrudnichestva s avtorami retragirovannyh statey (polnyy otkaz ot sotrudnichestva, otkaz ot sotrudnichestva na opredelennoe vremya, naznachenie dopolnitel'noy ekspertizy statey v sluchae povtornogo sotrudnichestva).

Obsuzhden i utverzhden na zasedanii redakcionnoy kollegii zhurnala (protokol № 2 ot 16.05.2019)

Plata za publikaciyu i recenzirovanie statey otsutstvuet

The frequency of the issue of the journal is 4 times a year, coming out in March, June, September and December. 

Journal Release Schedule

                        Abakumova Ekaterina
Abakumova Ekaterina Institute of philosophy and law SB RAS (otdel social'nyh i pravovyh issledovaniy, starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik)
from 01.01.2013 to 01.01.2020 candidate of jurisprudence sciences from 01.01.2009 to 01.01.2020


                        Abakumova Oksana
Abakumova Oksana Saint Petersburg University of the Ministry Internal Affairs of Russian Federation

                        Abdulloev Abdullo
Abdulloev Abdullo Saint-Petersburg University of the MIA of Russia (ad'yunkt)
graduate student

                        Abdulmanova Irina
Abdulmanova Irina Belgorod Law Institute of the MIA of Russia named after I. D. Putilin (kafedra gumanitarnyh i social'no-ekonomicheskih disciplin, Zamestitel' nachal'nika)
employee from 01.01.2014 to 01.01.2021
doctor of historical sciences from 01.01.2020 until now

                        Abisova Kristina
Abisova Kristina Crimea branch of the Krasnodar University of the MIA of Russia (the department of criminal law and criminology, lecturer of the department)
employee from 01.01.2023 until now
candidate of jurisprudence sciences from 01.01.2023 until now

                        Abramkin Aleksey
Abramkin Aleksey Krasnodar University of the MIA of Russia (ad'yunkt)
graduate student from 01.01.2018 to 01.01.1921
adjunct of jurisprudence sciences

                        Abramova Lyubov'
Abramova Lyubov' Siberian Law Institute of the MIA of Russia (Department of Criminal Procedure, deputy chief of department of Criminal Procedure)
candidate of jurisprudence sciences

                        Avdeev Vadim Avdeevich
Avdeev Vadim Avdeevich Yugra State University (criminal law and criminal process, Professor)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences


                        Avdeeva Ekaterina
Avdeeva Ekaterina Moscow Pedagogical State University

                        Avdeeva Olga
Avdeeva Olga East Siberian Institute of the MIA of Russia
doctor of jurisprudence sciences


                        Avrutin Roman
Avrutin Roman Saint Petersburg University of the MIA of Russia (Kafedra administrativnoy deyatel'nosti OVD, Zamestitel' nachal'nika)
candidate of jurisprudence sciences

                        Akiev Arbi
Akiev Arbi candidate of jurisprudence sciences

                        Akiev Arbi
Akiev Arbi Saint Petersburg University of the MIA of Russia
candidate of jurisprudence sciences

                        Alaf'ev Mihail
Alaf'ev Mihail Siberian Law University

                        Alafiev Mikhail
Alafiev Mikhail Siberian Law University

                        Aleksandrov Andrey
Aleksandrov Andrey Krasnodarskiy universitet MVD Rossii (kafedra operativno-razysknoy deyatel'nosti v OVD, starshiy prepodavatel')
candidate of jurisprudence sciences

                        Aleksandrov Boris
Aleksandrov Boris Academy of the FPS of Russia (Psihologicheskiy fakul'tet Akademii prava i upravleniya FSIN Rossii, zamestitel' nachal'nika)
from 01.01.2020 to 01.01.2023 candidate of psychological sciences

                        Aleksandrova Ol'ga
Aleksandrova Ol'ga Kaluga State University named after K. E. Tsiolkovsky

                        Alekseeva Anna
Alekseeva Anna doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Academic rank Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation from 01.01.2024 until now

SPIN: 2905-2710 ORCID:0000-0002-4569-7564
                        Alekseeva Elena
Alekseeva Elena Saint Petersburg University of the MIA of Russia (kafedra ugolovnogo processa, docent)
employee from 01.01.2019 until now
candidate of jurisprudence sciences

Kaverina Larisa  — Editor in chief
Saint Petersburg University of the MIA of Russia (editorial department, glavnyy redaktor)
employee from 01.01.2018 until now
candidate of philological sciences from 01.01.2004 until now

Saint Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
SPIN: 7697-7433 ORCID:0000-0001-6294-2042 Web Of Science: 1211297
Amelchakov Igor  — Chairman of the Editorial Board
candidate of jurisprudence sciences

St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Astafichyev Pavyel Aleksandrovich  — Editorial board member
Saint Petersburg University of the Ministry Internal Affairs of Russian Federation (kafedra konstitucionnogo i mezhdunarodnogo prava)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences

Russian Federation
Bavsun Maksim  — Editorial board member
Saint Petersburg University of the MIA of Russia (Deputy Head of the University (for Research))
doctor of jurisprudence sciences

St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
SPIN: 8591-6572 ORCID:0000-0002-1407-2609 Web Of Science: https://publons.com/researcher/AAI-2365-2021/
Balakhonsky Vitali  — Editorial board member
Saint-Petersburg University of the MIA of Russia
doctor of philosophical sciences

St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Beketov Oleg  — Editorial board member
Omsk Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Academic rank Zasluzhennyy yurist RF
Omsk, Omsk, Russian Federation
SPIN: https://www.elibrary.ru/author_profile.asp?authorid=681693
Boldyryev Vladimir  — Editorial board member
Northwestern branch of the Russian University of Justice (Department of Civil Law, professor)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences

Russian Federation
Buchakova Marina  — Editorial board member
Omsk Academy of the Ministry of the Interior of the Russian Federation (kafedra konstitucionnogo i mezhdunarodnogo prava, nachal'nik kafedry)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences

Omsk, Omsk, Russian Federation
SPIN: https://www.elibrary.ru/author_profile.asp?authorid=283452
Vasil'eva Inna  — Editorial board member
Tyumen State University (Department of General and Social Psychology, head of department)
doctor of psychological sciences

Russian Federation
Vahnina Viktoriya  — Editorial board member
University of prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation (Department of Psychological Support, Head of Department)
doctor of psychological sciences

Moscow, Russian Federation
Geyzhan Natalia  — Editorial board member
Saint Petersburg University of the MIA of Russia (professor kafedry pedagogiki i psihologii)
doctor of pedagogical sciences
Academic rank zasluzhennyy rabotnik vysshey shkoly Rossiyskoy Federacii
St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
SPIN: 5372-4679 ORCID:0000-0002-1272-8766
Geldibaev Movlad  — Editorial board member
Baltiyskiy gumanitarnyy institut (yuridicheskiy fakul'tet, dekan)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences

St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Grivennaya Elena  — Editorial board member
Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
doctor of pedagogical sciences

Russian Federation
Dozorceva Elena  — Editorial board member
Serbsky National Medical Research Centre for Psychiatry and Narcology (Laboratory of psychology of children and adolescents, Chief Researcher)
doctor of psychological sciences

Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
SCOPUS: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57200697993 SPIN: 5957-6460 ORCID:0000-0002-1309-0485 Web Of Science: https://publons.com/researcher/3080154/elena-dozortseva/
Erofeeva Maria  — Editorial board member
Moscow University of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia named after V. Ya. Kikot (Department of Pedagogy of the Educational and Scientific Complex of Psychology of Service Activity, Professor)
doctor of pedagogical sciences

Moscow, Russian Federation
Eskina Lyudmila  — Editorial board member
North-West Management Institute of The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (kafedra pravovedeniya, professor)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences

St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Ilakavichus Marina  — Editorial board member
Saint Petersburg University of the MIA of Russia (department of pedagogy and psychology, professor)
doctor of pedagogical sciences

St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
SPIN: 2799-0625 ORCID:0000-0003-4706-2877
Kaplunov Andrey  — Editorial board member
Saint Petersburg University of the MIA of Russia (Professor of the Department of Administrative Law)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences

St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Kovalenko Victor  — Editorial board member
Belgorod State Institute of Arts and Culture (pedagogiki i metodiki professional'nogo obrazovaniya, professor)
doctor of pedagogical sciences

Belgorod, Russian Federation
Kolarich Dragana  — Editorial board member
University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies (professor)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences

Belgrad, Serbia
Kubyshko Vladimir  — Editorial board member
candidate of pedagogical sciences

Moscow, Russian Federation
Latyshov Igor  — Editorial board member
Saint Petersburg University of the Ministry Internal Affairs of Russian Federation
doctor of jurisprudence sciences

St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Mescheryakova Elena  — Editorial board member
Russian Air Force Military Educational and Scientific Center «Air Force Academy named after Professor N.E. Zhukovsky and Y.A. Gagarin» (Senior Scientist Researcher)
doctor of pedagogical sciences

Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
Nizhnik Nadezhda  — Editorial board member
Saint Petersburg University of the MIA of Russia (Department of theory of state and law, Head of Department)
employee from 01.01.2015 until now
doctor of jurisprudence sciences ,
candidate of historical sciences
Academic rank zasluzhennyy rabotnik vysshey shkoly Rossiyskoy Federacii from 05.12.2017 until now
Russian Federation
Nikiforov German  — Editorial board member

St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Nikolaeva Tatyana  — Editorial board member

St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Nikulenko Andrey  — Editorial board member
Saint Petersburg University of the MIA of Russia (uchenyy sovet, uchenyy sekretar')
employee from 01.01.2018 until now
doctor of jurisprudence sciences

Sankt-Peterburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Ruzakova Ol'ga  — Editorial board member
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (professor)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences

Russian Federation
Safonov Alexander  — Editorial board member
National Research University Higher School of Economics (kafedra teorii i istorii prava, professor)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences

Moscow, Russian Federation
Serdyuk Natal'ya  — Editorial board member
Academy of Management of the MIA of Russia (kafedra psihologii, pedagogiki i organizacii raboty s kadrami, nachal'nik)
doctor of pedagogical sciences

Moscow, Russian Federation
Sleptsov Igor'  — Editorial board member
Kostanai Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after Shyrakbek Kabylbayev (criminal law and organization of punishment execution department, professor of the department, uuipik@mail.ru)
candidate of jurisprudence sciences

Kostanay, Kazakhstan
Strelnikova Yuliya  — Editorial board member
Saint-Petersburg University of the MIA of Russia (Department of Psychology, Pedagogy, Professor)
doctor of psychological sciences

St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Tyunin Vladimir  — Editorial board member
Saint Petersburg University of the Ministry Internal Affairs of Russian Federation (ugolovnogo prava, professor)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences

St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Ul'yanina Ol'ga  — Editorial board member
Federal Coordination Center for Providing Psychological Services in the Education System of the Russian Federation (Head of the Center)
doctor of psychological sciences

corresponding member Russian Academy of Education ,
Moscow, Russian Federation
Ukhov Vladimir  — Editorial board member
Saint Petersburg University of the MIA of Russia (kafedra administrativnogo prava, nachal'nik)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences

St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Khimicheva Olga  — Editorial board member
Kikotya Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (nachal'nik kafedry ugolovnogo processa)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Academic rank zasluzhennyy rabotnik vysshey shkoly Rossiyskoy Federacii
Moscow, Russian Federation
Cvetkov Vyacheslav  — Editorial board member
Kirov Institute for Advanced Training of Employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Russian Federation (Head of the Department of law psychology of the training and research complex of psychology of performance, chief)
doctor of psychological sciences

Russian Federation
Tsvetkov Igor  — Editorial board member

Moscow, Russian Federation
Chestnov Il'ya  — Editorial board member
St. Petersburg Law Institute (branch) of University of the Office of the Prosecutor of the Russian Federation (Professor)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences

St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Chechetin Andrew  — Editorial board member

St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Sharanov Yuri  — Editorial board member
Saint Petersburg University of the MIA of Russia (professor kafedry yuridicheskoy psihologii)
doctor of psychological sciences

St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Shakhmatov Alexander  — Editorial board member
Saint-Petersburg University of the MIA of Russia (Department of Operational-Investigative Activity, Professor)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences

St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Ytrobina Eliana  — Editorial office
Saint Petersburg University of the Ministry Internal Affairs of Russian Federation

Russian Federation
Morgunov Anton  — Executive secretary
Saint Petersburg University of the Ministry Internal Affairs of Russian Federation (redakciya zhurnala "Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta MVD Rossii", otvetstvennyy sekretar')

Russian Federation


The mission of the journal is to unite scientists and practitioners who conduct research on topical issues of legal science, pedagogy and psychology as applied to law enforcement. The objectives of the journal - the dissemination of scientific achievements, the integration of scientific research in the field of jurisprudence and practical achievements of law enforcement agencies.

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