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Abstract (English):
The article discusses the urgent, not regulated by the criminal law, problem of qualifying the actions of the person who committed the crime as a result of the provocative actions of law enforcement officials. Attention is drawn to the absence in theory and judicial practice of a consistent scientific and legal justification for the release of persons provoked to a crime from criminal liability. An “encroachment” committed as a result of a “police provocation” is considered taking into account the institutions of complicity, involvement and inducement to commit a crime. The author examines the proposals already made by experts from fixing the provocation of a crime as one of the circumstances excluding criminal liability (Chapter 8 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), to including its arsenal of operationalsearch means to combat crime. According to the constitutional legal understanding of the investigated problem, the assessment of the act of the provoked is influenced by the activities of the persons who incited him to commit a crime, the essence of the disturbed social relations and the nature of the physical, property, organizational or other consequences that have occurred. The question of the criminal legal assessment of the acts of the provoked persons is proposed to be decided differentially, taking into account the reality and the measure of the harm caused by them.

provocative actions; fake crime; act of a provoked person; involvement in the commission of a crime; complicity in a crime; responsibility of the provoked person; real harm.
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