Kovalenko Victor

Academic degree
doctor of pedagogical sciences (speciality - VAC 13.00.08 Теория и методика профессионального образования)
Science rang
  1. Belgorod State Institute of Arts and Culture , pedagogiki i metodiki professional'nogo obrazovaniya , professor ,
  • Journal "Vestnik of the St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia" ,
Scientific interests
VAC 13.00.08 Теория и методика профессионального образования
Scientific and pedagogical activity
He began his pedagogical and scientific activity in the Belgorod special secondary school of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, today he is a professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology.
Contribution to science
The main directions of his scientific research are the problems of improving the educational process in the higher educational establishment and continuous professional training of officers of the internal affairs bodies, professional training and education of officers of the internal affairs bodies.
Belgorod, Russian Federation


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