Training of the employees of the courses of Suvorov military schools of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for working on the prevention of deviant behaviour among older adolescents
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Abstract (English):
Introduction. Prevention of deviant behaviour of older adolescents is one of the urgent modern socio-pedagogical tasks, which in the Suvorov military schools of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia should be solved by the employees of the course units. The problem lies in their lack of competence, as well as in the absence of standards for the organisation of relevant training. Analysis of the psychological and pedagogical field of deviant behaviour among older adolescents in domestic and foreign literature makes it possible to define deviation as a deviation from the norm recognised in specific social conditions, while prevention can be considered as an activity that counteracts the negative factors of its occurrence. The aim of this research is to substantiate an effective way of training course employees of Suvorov military schools of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for working on the prevention of deviant behaviour among older adolescents. Research methods. The methodological basis of the research was based on the humanitarian-anthropological and andragogical approaches and the theory of internal training. The research was implemented on the basis of one of the Suvorov Military Schools of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs using theoretical and empirical methods: analysis, generalisation, systematisation of the obtained data, pedagogical projecting, experiment, survey and content analysis of reflexive texts. Results. The authors analysed the theory and practice of pedagogical competence formation under conditions of limited time resource and difficulty of training employees outside the school and chose internal training as the main type of training. The model of such training of course staff was created on the basis of implicative connection of nine procedural-methodological blocks, the relevant programme was developed. The programme was tested from 2019 to 2024 and its effectiveness was proved in the experimental work. The hypothesis of the present research was confirmed, the goal was achieved through the successive solution of tasks. Further research of internal training as an effective way of training employees of educational organisations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia seems perspective.

adult education, professional training, course employees, Suvorov military schools of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, deviant behaviour, older adolescents
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