Psychological and pedagogical aspects of counteracting mental intervention aimed at destroying military personnel's self-awareness
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Introduction. The relevance of the research is determined by the need and importance of resolving (levelling) the contradictions arising and escalating in connection with the mental confrontation aimed at destroying the consciousness of representatives of various social groups. At the same time, the main direction of the enemy's use of the present day mental confrontation tools is the impact on the consciousness and self-awareness of military personnel of the Russian Army. The problems associated with this impact are complex and multifaceted, they are studied by representatives of military science, humanitarian and other scientific fields. The object of the research is the psychological and pedagogical aspects of the problem of counteracting the mental intervention aimed at destroying the self-awareness of cadets – future officers of the Russian Army, as well as the development of effective ways to prevent its negative impact on the formation of significant personal and professional qualities of defenders of the Homeland in the educational process of military higher education institutions. Methods. Undertaking the research involved using the methods of comparison and generalisation, abstraction and concretisation, logical deduction and formalisation, etc. Results. The author introduces specific definitions of the concepts necessary for deep and comprehensive study of psychological and pedagogical aspects of the problem under consideration. The following main directions of counteracting the negative influence of mental intervention are identified and substantiated: formation of spiritual and moral stability of future officers, professional identity of military personnel in the educational process of military higher education institutions; development of consciousness and self-awareness of cadets in the context of the formation of individual mentality and spiritual and moral immunity of personality. The perspectives of development and realisation of algorithms of semantic bringing up of future officers by teachers and commanders of military high schools are shown.

mental intervention, professional self-awareness of military personnel, spiritual and moral stability of cadets
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