The problem of human socialization in scientific and historical retrospect and modern interdisciplinary discourse
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Abstract (English):
Introduction. The article depicts a systematic interdisciplinary presentation of the theoretical foundations of the study of the phenomenon of socialization. Currently, in the social sphere, the phenomenon of socialization itself is a social problem that is caused, according to scientists, by a whole pleiad of dynamically changing social, economic, political, and cultural conditions and circumstances that contribute to the emergence of transformational processes in society as a whole. Research methods. The research results that characterize socialization are presented in the article based on some methods of the social and humanitarian sciences: theoretical (ascent from the abstract to the concrete, analysis and synthesis, referencing), observational (direct, included, indirect observation), diagnostic (interviewing, analysis of documents), gravimetric analysis (the study and generalization of experience and products of professional activity), and so on. The results of the research. First of all, these are processes in modern Russian society that objectively change the content and mechanisms of human socialization. In this regard, it is now possible to talk about the transformation of the phenomenon of socialization into an independent social and research problem. The above points out the fundamental importance of the need to thoroughly study human socialization in its modern conditions as an actual social and pedagogical problem in the context of the social and humanitarian branch of human studies, and above all in the fields of philosophy, sociology, and pedagogy. Expanding the subject field of social and humanitarian knowledge, the materials presented in the article can serve as an incentive for further scientific understanding of the problem of human socialization, as well as be used in the professional training and professional socialization of future social specialists.

interdisciplinary research, social problem socialization, education, development, subject-object approach, subject-subject approach, social sphere, socialization
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