Peculiarities of the competence of a forensic expert in preventive activities
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Abstract (English):
Introduction. Due to transformations in the methodology of education and professional training of specialists in the field of forensic expertise, there is a need to pay attention to such a professional competence as the ability to prevent offences in according to the specifics of expert activity. Preventive tasks are fixed in the job instructions of experts carrying out their activities in the framework of criminal and civil proceedings. However, there is uncertainty in the normative documents concerning recommendations of preventive activities to be provided by a forensic expert unit. In practice, the implementation of preventive tasks is out of the sphere of forensic examination. This requires a detailed analysis of the organisational and methodological side of professional training, as well as the creation of a special course on expert preventive activities. Methods. In the process of research, the author used methods of analysing normative documents (including regulations), comparative legal, statistical, and formal logic methods. Results. Based on the results of the research, the author makes a conclusion that in order to solve the existing issues it is reasonable to develop unified scientific, methodological and organisational approaches by conducting scientific research at the interdepartmental level, as well as to form a separate special course on expert prevention activities.

forensic expertise, expert, professional competences, expert agencies, preventive activities
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