Ryazan, Orel, Russian Federation
Ryazan', Orel, Russian Federation
from 01.01.2023 until now
Vladimir, Vladimir, Russian Federation
UDK 37.013.46 Теоретическая педагогика
Introduction. The development of professionally important qualities of an employee of the penitentiary system is possible on the basis of such characteristics as responsibility and self-discipline being developed well in advance of the employee’s joining the service. Little attention is paid to the discipline of the Federal Penitentiary Service employees either at the stage of recruitment or during their service. The purpose of the article is to reveal the significance of the cognitive component in the structure of self-discipline, which reflects the individual’s ideas about discipline, understanding its meaning and role during job activity, as well as the differences between discipline and self-discipline. Methods. The study used general scientific research methods aimed at data collection, analysis, systematisation and generalisation, in particular, the analysis of literature sources directly related to the study of discipline as an individual characteristic; the authors’ questionnaire and the “Awareness” scale in the “Discipline” methodology (V. P. Pryadein, N. V. Vorotnikova) were used to test the cognitive component. Results. The analysis of the cognitive component of self-discipline of the cadets of the Academy of FSIN of Russia and Vladimir Law Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service allowed to determine that the cadets are generally characterised by a scientific understanding of self-discipline. They realise the necessity of discipline, and also divide internal, motivated discipline and external, demonstrative discipline. The findings correspond to the data of the scale “Awareness” of the methodology “Discipline”. The cadets perceive discipline as something given, being ordered them, but it is not connected with the idea of maintaining discipline as a characteristic of their personality. Based on the obtained results, we can draw conclusions about the importance of diagnostics of the cognitive component of personal discipline, as the revealed predominance of the cadets’ understanding of the importance of external discipline over internal discipline should be considered as a negative moment, which will certainly affect their future professional activity.
discipline, self-discipline, structure of self-discipline, diagnostics, cognitive element
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