from 01.01.1995 to 01.01.2023
Voronezh branch of RANEPA
Russian Federation
UDK 340.5 Сравнительное правоведение
Annotation: Introduction. Currently, China occupies one of the leading positions in the world in the field of economics, culture and law. Russia has long-standing ties with China, which are currently developing rapidly. Of particular interest to Russian lawyers is the legal system of China, which is truly unique. There isanorganic link between traditions and customs, on the one hand, and constant legal modernization, on the other, and the law itself is closely connected with culture. This paper poses the problem of studying the legal system of the People’s Republic of China, clarifying its genesis, considering the stages of modernization of law, in particular civil law, and analyzing the development path. Methodology. When performing the research, general scientific and specific scientific methods (comparative legal, specific historical) were used. Formal-dogmatic and logical-linguistic methods were also used, with the help of which the content and meaning of legal regulations are clarified. Research findings. Traditional sources of social regulation are considered, namely, customs that cover all spheres of public life. The comprehensive influence of Confucianism and Confucian principles is shown. The paper reveals the ways of forming “li” norms which are the basis of people’s behavior. The article analyses formation of the modern Chinese legal system, which takes shape in the process of reception of Roman-Germanic law, Anglo-Saxon law, more precisely, its American version, Confucian norms and Marxism. Particular attention is paid to the development of civil law and civil law regulations; issues of harmonization of Western institutions and customs established in the society are considered.
norm, custom, tradition, Confucianism, law, civil law, reception, code, guanxi
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