The problems of legal regulation of public relations in conditions of domination of technological imperatives
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Abstract (English):
The relevance of this study is due to the emergence of new information technologies that prompt to transform the nature of the activities of the subjects of law, change the scope of their legal relations, and expand the horizon of future activities. Modern society, being in a state of constantly appearing and actively implemented technologies, has long been faced with the problem of legal regulation of new social relations arising in this connection. The intrusion of technology into all spheres of human activity is of such magnitude that it cannot ignore legal aspects. The problems of legitimizing new technical means and technologies, the ability of law to respond in a timely manner to the processes taking place, the limits of such a response and the preservation of the conceptual foundations of the law itself, its basic values and principles today remain not only relevant, but practically unresolved. There is also the reverse side of this issue - the preservation of the same foundations in society itself in the conditions of a continuous process of reworking the normative material. With a total transformation of social relations within the entire world community, law is also under the influence of new concepts: postmodern, postpostmodern, postindustrial society and other ideas that give it a multidirectional movement. Combined with the dominance of technological imperatives, its foundations are now under threat, and the prospects for further development are at least uncertain. Methodology: The study used the general scientific dialectical method and the formal-logical method. This made it possible to identify the causal links between changes in legislation and the new technological order. The results of this study show that the introduction of new technologies into society causes corresponding changes in the sphere of legal regulation, which contributes to the transformation of law into a kind of procedure of a strictly technical nature, which will lead to the loss of the creative function of law and its basic values.

technological imperative, legal regulation, regulation limits, revolution, postmodernity, reason
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