The practice of introducing interactive technologies in the training process of future employees of internal affairs bodies
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Abstract (English):
Introduction: Speaking about the relevance of the study, it is necessary to note the positive role of studying the issue of managerial decisions during the training of future employees of the internal affairs bodies in educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia while studying the academic discipline «Fundamentals of Management in the Internal Affairs Bodies». It seems that in order to strengthen the practical component of studying this issue, it is necessary to search for suitable interactive technologies for conducting training sessions, which we tried to find in the framework of the study. The purpose of the study is dictated by the need to create certain methodological teaching aids, the use of which will make it possible to introduce into the learning process the practical implementation of the study of certain issues within the framework of conducting classes in an interactive form in the discipline «Fundamentals of Management in the Internal Affairs Bodies». Research methods: In the course of the research, such theoretical methods as analysis, synthesis, systematization, generalization, comparison and such empirical methods as observation, conversation, description, testing, experiment were used. Results of the study: We saw the solution to the problem in the testing and application of interactive technologies in the form of «Case method» and the «Business game» method in the training course of the discipline «Fundamentals of Management in the Internal Affairs Bodies». The study reflects new, previously not used, methodological teaching aids developed for this specified academic discipline, containing the designated teaching methods and the results of their practical application, which showed a pronounced positive trend in mastering new knowledge, skills and abilities by learners in the educational process, which allows us to speak about the practical significance of his study results.

research, training session, teaching method, interactive technology, management, management decision
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