Russian Federation
UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
GRNTI 10.17 Административное право
The article examines certain issues of normative regulation of the procedure for organizing and holding social-political, sports, cultural and entertainment events. The authors point out that the Constitution of the Russian Federation guarantees every citizen a number of rights and freedomsthat include the opportunity to express their thoughts and participate in the political life of the country discussing, accepting or rejecting certain ideas and opinions, participating in meetings, rallies, demonstrations and processions. Realizing the constitutional right to rest citizens participate in cultural and entertainment events, in sports competitions and contests. All these events are close in terms of normative regulation and are defined by legislative acts as wide-scale public actions. It is publicity and mass character, according to the authors, that manifestthe unity of these areas of public life. At the same time, the analysis of existing normative documents in this area carried out in the article reveals a number of existing gaps in the normative regulation of the procedure for organizing and holding cultural and entertainment eventswhich differ in their content from political actions and sports competitions. The revealed problem pointsand the current situation served as a starting point for writing this article, and as a conclusion the authors come up with their solution to the problem of normative regulation of the procedure for organizing and holding mass cultural and entertainment events, maintaining public order and ensuring public safety in the course thereof.
maintaining public order; public safety; public events; cultural and entertainment events; improvement of legal regulation; police; public order; mass and public events; ensuring safety of citizens; regulatory activity
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