Determination – the universal language of self-awareness of a subject of law enforcement agencies
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Abstract (English):
Nowadays the problem of consciousness and self-awareness is experiencing a revival in a psychological science. Active efforts are being made in this sphere to break «the psychological stalemate» of inertia of the old methodological guidelines which consider consciousness and self-awareness as simple functions of the objective reality reflection and reproduction. Numerous researches of national and international scientists, different scientific conferences are dedicated to the analysis of these guidelines. Our concept of determination is a logical follow-up to L. S. Vigotsky’s ideas as it reflects the emergence and development of the phenomenon of significance in the human mind, postulates that consciousness and self-awareness are called upon to perform one common function of determination (self-determination). The choice of determination as the subject of this research is made because of the changes in the field of psychological knowledge. This involves the shift away from the classical science towards the non-classical one and, in the recent years, towards the postclassical explanatory paradigm in psychology. These nonclassical ideas can be found in theoretical considerations of Vigotsky whose attention was occupied with the actual state of psychological mind when the issues of determinism were traditionally regarded only in biological and physiological factors and mechanisms - in the so-called objective methods of consciousness while determinants posed by the human psyche itself were ignored. Postclassical view of the world and understanding of the human place in it went a step further, it is focused today on the reflection of value and sense contexts of a person. As a request for dialogism, expression discursivity of ideas, thoughts, opinions mounted, there is a need for subjective paradigm. Psychologists in this process seek to go beyond the narrow frames of determination of a subject’s activeness limited only with his «activity» and turn to the notion «existence». In other words they attempt to move from being to formation, ongoing development of a subject’s psyche.

determination, consciousness, self-awareness, neo-determinism, behaviour, dialogism, discursivity, self-identity
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