Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article deals with the mechanisms of manifestations impractical and cinematical systems in the process of speech. The problem of differences in regularities and mechanisms of transitions from the sympractical strategy of interpreting lexical meanings to the synsemantic one in adults is considered. How such transitions are made is still not well known. An attempt is made to identify the basic institutions through which the process of movement of living speech begins and the experience of utterance (discourse) of a person is formed, which determines the level of abstract or synsemantic thinking. Such knowledge is necessary not only for creating various methods of teaching foreign and native languages. Through language representations, the inner world of a person, the structure and content of his consciousness and self-consciousness becomes accessible. Attention is drawn to the relatively new American and European experience of language training of migrants for the Russian psycholinguistic community, and to the prospects for the development of bilingualism among teachers in a non- linguistic higher educational institution. The question is raised about the need to conduct research in the field of compatibility /incompatibility of non- linguistic and linguistic types of cultures, individual experiences and mental traditions of representatives of different countries studying in a departmental educational institution.

synsemantic speech, nonlinear development, sympractical and synsemantic strategies of thinking, sympractical interpretation of lexical meanings, syntagmatic aspect of utterance

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