Russian Federation
Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia (sudebnoyekspertizy, docent)
Russian Federation
UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
GRNTI 10.27 Гражданское право
The purpose of the research is a general theoretical examination of confiscation as an intersectoral category of law, as well as revealing and scientifically-based solving urgent problems that arise in the field of protection of subjective rights in the case of the compulsory seizure of illegally possessed property. The main research methods are the following: structural and systematic, formal and legal, comparative and legal methods, logical analysis and synthesis, as well as the collection of information through the study of monographs, textbooks, materials of judicial practice on the subject under study. The article examines the features of the confiscation of pledged property. The authors make a conclusion that it is inadmissible to use the institution of compulsory succession in the case of the seizure of illegally possessed property. The use of compulsory legal succession leads to the significant violation of the subjective rights of particular government bodies and the state in general. This is expressed in the impossibility of full compensation for harm caused by corruption crimes. The main results of the study can be formulated in the form of proposals aimed at changing the legislation and the practice of its application. First, it is proposed to secure the inadmissibility of confiscation in cases of illegal possession of seized property and to introduce the following amendments to the Criminal Code: Article 104.4 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation «Compulsory confiscation of property»: «1. Compulsory gratuitous withdrawal from illegal possession of a person by turning into state ownership on the basis of a conviction is not confiscation...» Secondly, it is proposed to reword Art. 104.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation as follows: «1. Confiscation is a compulsory gratuitous seizure of property from the owner and its conversion into state ownership on the basis of a conviction. The following property is subject to confiscation: ... «Thirdly, it is proposed to complement the Civil Code of the Russian Federation with Article 347.1 «Pledgee’s Guarantees upon Termination of Pledge».
confiscation, pledge, illegal possession, invalidity of the transaction
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