Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article deals with the problem of criminal law substantiation of the legality of carrying out operational search activities related to the need to imitate their participants in criminal activities. The author defines the limits of the permissible actual involvement of law enforcement officers and persons cooperating with them on a confidential basis in the encroachment of the persons being developed. Investigating the measure of the permissibility of imitation of participation in the encroachment committed by the persons being developed, the author comes to the conclusion that it is possible for the implanted employee to act in accordance with the situation in order to expose the criminals. At the same time, the operative imitation of criminal activity, the commission of a crime against life or health, with irreversible consequences, should not be considered as excluding criminality. It substantiates the impossibility of eleasing an embedded employee from responsibility for a crime committed for the initiative, as well as for inciting others to commit the crime.

crime, operational search activity, circumstances precluding the criminality of the act, operational implementation, pro-vocation of crime
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