Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the criminological analysis of the causes and conditions conducive to the manifestation of crimes of a terrorism nature in the Russian Federation? Focusing on the activities of the internal affairs bodies in countering terrorism. The coat characteristic of quantitative indicators of crimes of a terrorist nature for 2015-2018 is given. The article summarizes the scientific experience of studying the main factors causing terrorist manifestations in the Russian Federation. The authors focus on the ode of the main factors contributing to terrorism in the Russian Federation - the presence of radical groups that promote their ideology among the teenage generation. The authors determined the place of the «Concept of the State Migration Policy of the Russian Federation for 2019-2025» in the system of prevention of modern terrorism, and also analyzed the main legal acts that are the legal «foundation» in this area. The content of the opposition implemented by the internal affairs bodies is emphasized.

determinants of terrorism, counterterrorism
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