Bazarov Tahir

Academic degree
doctor of psychological sciences
Science rang
  1. Lomonosov Moscow State University , Department of Social Psychology , professor ,
  • Journal "Russian Journal of Deviant Behavior" ,
Scientific interests
VAC 5.3 Психология
Contribution to science
Soviet and Russian psychologist, specialist in the field of management psychology. Areas of scientific research: psychology of management and leadership, development of organizations, the phenomenon of organizational trust, cooperative and competitive strategies of group activity, formation of management teams, preparation and support of organizational changes, assessment and selection of management personnel, socio-psychological training, business games, personnel management in conditions of crisis, methodological support for adult education, role repertoire of a psychologist-negotiator. Since 2007, he has been the scientific director of the Institute of Practical Psychology at the Higher School of Economics. Member of the Presidium of the Russian Psychological Society, 1994–2012. was its vice president and executive director. Published more than 200 scientific papers. With the participation and editing of T. Yu. Bazarov, a textbook for universities “Personnel Management” was compiled, which has a recommendation from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. The textbook “Effective Management: Workshop”, edited by him, was awarded a 1st degree diploma at the “University Book” competition in 2017 (in the category “For the high culture of publishing educational books”). Two-time winner of the Golden Psyche competition.

Opublikovano bolee 100 rabot. Sredi nih – uchebnye posobiya «Tehnologiya centrov ocenki dlya gosudarstvennyh sluzhaschih» (1995), «Upravlenie personalom razvivayuscheysya organizacii» (1996), «Social'no-psihologicheskie metody i tehnologii upravleniya personalom organizacii» (2000), «Upravlenie personalom» (2002, 2007), «Psihologicheskie grani izmenyayuscheysya organizacii» (2007), «Upravlenie personalom. Praktikum» (2009), «Tehnologiya centrov ocenki personala: processy i rezul'taty» (2011, 2016), «Psihologiya upravleniya personalom. Teoriya i praktika» (2014), «Psihologiya upravleniya personalom. Uchebnik i praktikum dlya akademicheskogo bakalavriata» (2016). V soavtorstve im opublikovany uchebnye i uchebno-metodicheskie posobiya «Metody effektivnogo obucheniya vzroslyh» (1998, 2001), «Psihologicheskaya diagnostika v upravlenii personalom» (1999), «Psihologicheskie aspekty upravleniya personalom v sisteme gosudarstvennoy sluzhby» (2002). Pod ego rukovodstvom podgotovlen i izdan uchebnik dlya studentov VUZov strany «Upravlenie personalom» (1998, 2001). Pod ego nauchnoy redakciey izdano uchebnoe posobie dlya VUZov «Upravlenie chelovecheskimi resursami» (2003), uchebnik dlya VUZov «Vvedenie v social'nuyu psihologiyu. Evropeyskiy podhod / M.H'yuston, V. Shtrebe (2004), «Prakticheskiy opyt arbitrazhnogo upravleniya v Rossii: Sbornik real'nyh situaciy» (2002), Praktikum «Effektivnyy menedzhment» (2015).

Moscow, Russian Federation


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