National legal system in Russia's aspirations for a multipolar world: challenges and limitations
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Abstract (English):
Statement of the problem. Russia is an active participant in the formation of a multipolar world. The recognition of the legal system as an important resource for Russian participation in this process places new demands on it and urgently requires adjustments to its development that reflect the organic features of Russian civilization. Methods. The study is determined by the use of general scientific, specific scientific and special methods of cognition, which made it possible to comprehensively study the problems and factors of development of the national legal system in the context of the formation of a multipolar world. Results. The author examines Russia as an emerging center of power in a multipolar world, analyzing law as one of its resources. in a broad historical context, including two stages of profound transformations. The article identifies their characteristic features and contradictory results. A multifactorial analysis of the development of the Russian legal system in the context of the formation of a multipolar world is carried out, and the conditionality of its successful transformation by the implementation of Russia's civilizational positioning in the legal sphere is shown. Conclusions. The legal system always faces the task of being adequate to the needs of the changing state policy on the development of the national development model. The evolution of state policy determines the change of priorities in the development of the legal system to increase its competitive capabilities in the new conditions. The transformation of the national legal system is determined by the influence of factors reflecting the changing configuration of the modern world legal order. Legal transformation should be based on the civilizational positioning of Russia in a multipolar world, on an appeal to national values and traditions. However, the transfer to the activity level of taking into account value guidelines and legal traditions in the development of the legal system encounters significant limitations.

legal system, multipolar world, centre of power, national priorities, value orientations
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