from 01.01.2023 to 01.01.2024
Sankt-Peterburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
UDK 343.97 Преступление как общественное явление. Сравнительная преступность. Причины и последствия преступлений. Социальные факторы преступления. Социальное окружение
GRNTI 10.81 Криминология
OKSO 40.00.00 Юриспруденция
BBK 67 Право. Юридические науки
Introduction. The The article deals with types of corruption, which are subdivided on the basis of a functional approach depending on the spread in a particular public sphere. The author examined the changes in the forms of corruption depending on the modern transformation of social relations using specific examples of judicial and investigative practice. Corruption inevitably undergoes transformations depending on the emergence of new social relations and changes in existing ones. This predetermines the embedding of this negative phenomenon in the social matrix and the formation of types and forms of corrupt acts. The actuality of the presented research is determined by the demand for analysing and understanding corruption mechanisms in various spheres of activity, its specifics and peculiarities with regard to modern social transformations. Methods. The methods used in the research were general scientific: dialectical; methods of analysis and synthesis; private-scientific: statistical, sociological, comparative-legal, functional. Results. The study of the specifics of types of corruption depending on its prevalence in a particular public sphere using a functional approach makes it possible to identify corruption mechanisms and criminological transformations of corruption in order to effectively counteract it. This ensures the implementation of one of the priority areas in ensuring the national security of the country, which has an impact on the stable formation and development of the economy, society and the state. Identifying the peculiarities of the spread of types of corruption by areas of activity, we thereby improve the anti-corruption mechanism of counteraction, which is a set of relations related to the implementation of measures aimed at identifying, eliminating, neutralising corruption factors; aimed at combating corruption manifestations and minimising the negative consequences of corruption offences.
types and forms of corruption, criminological transformation of corruption
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