Diagnosis of the tendency towards drug addiction using eye tracking technology: development experience
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Abstract (English):
World statistics on the use of controlled drugs shows sustainable growth in the number of drug addicts over the last decades. This fact indicates the relevance of solving the problem of identifying the experience of drug use, as well as the development of new reliable methods for diagnosing the tendency towards drug addiction. The technology of non-invasive eye-tracking based on the effects of attention bias and value-oriented attention control can be an alternative to traditional questioning methods (personality diagnostic questionnaires) or polygraph examination procedures. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the possibility of diagnosing drug addiction tendency using eye-tracking technology to detect subjects’ attention bias toward drugrelated stimuli while performing an antisaccadic cognitive task. Methods.The study was conducted as part of a laboratory experiment using the Tobii Pro Spectrum eye-tracker. The study involved 28 respondents divided into 3 contrasting groups: those with systematic experience of drug use; those with single experience of drug use; and those with no experience of drug use. Participants of the experiment were presented with stimulus material “words and images around the dot” on eye-tracker, the elements of which contained stimuli related to the topic of drugs. Data processing was performed using comparative analysis and ANOVA. Results. As a result, it was found that there were significant differences in fixations to addictive stimuli in the contrast groups studied. In addition, qualitative analysis of eye movement scenarios makes it possible to record saccades in respondents with experience of druguse towards images showing drugs, in contrast to the group without experience of use.

addictive behavior, drug addiction, psychophysiological method, eye-tracking, oculography, oculomotor activity, saccades
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