Irkutsk, Irkutsk region, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
UDK 159.9 Психология
Introduction. It is difficult for modern people to imagine a world without Internet communications, which, on the one hand, offer new opportunities for leisure, interaction, and development, on the other hand, have a huge potential for influencing individual and public consciousness. Some people perceive such influence negatively, as they associate it with manipulation, while others fall into the net of manipulative influence and become its victims. Of particular concern are fakes, which pose a threat of spreading inaccurate information, compromising the reputation of the media, increasing the level of anxiety and fear in society. This problem is recognised at the state level, as the dissemination of distorted information reached the level of a threat to state security. Measures are being taken at the legislative level, including administrative and criminal liability, but experts predict the growth of fake information. Therefore, it is extremely important to analyse fake materials, to work on methods and ways of their recognition, to inform and train citizens to critically assess information flows, to recognise their manipulative nature. The aim of the research is to study the attitude of citizens to fake information, its dissemination in the Internet space as a way of manipulating public consciousness. Research methods. The authors reviewed the scientific literature and the results of sociological research, in particular, those proposed by the autonomous non-commercial organisation “Dialogue Regions”, on fake information, by means of which public consciousness is manipulated. The article presents the results of the research on the attitude of Irkutsk residents to fakes disseminated in the Internet space. The empirical basis of the research was the results of the questionnaire survey conducted in October 2023 in Irkutsk. 100 people took part in the survey. Results. The examination of the issue of the dissemination of fakes in the Internet space, the conducted questionnaire survey made it possible to assert that fakes have become a part of the information flow in the Internet space, and therefore, a part of the real life of modern society, where people are constantly faced with misinformation. Regardless of the negative impact of fake information considered as manipulative content, it is obvious that its flow will grow. Its negative impact on all spheres of society will increase. Risks of material and physical losses are possible, as fake information represents a dangerous information-psychological weapon. This weapon, in particular, is used by unfriendly countries as an indirect information-psychological impact on the Russian population. The main task in modern conditions is to counter the information attack, manipulation of public consciousness of citizens.
manipulation, information-psychological influence, social networks, Internet, public consciousness, fake, messengers
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