Improving the practice of criminal law combating the secretly violent of theft
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Abstract (English):
Introduction. Embezzlement is actual problem for personality, society and the state, since this specified type of crime not only has a destructive effect on the institution of property and the mental state of victims and their family members, but also accounts for the largest share in the structure of all crimes registered on the territory of the Russian Federation. Law enforcement practice in the field of criminal law counteraction to the covert violent embezzlement indicates that a misunderstanding by practitioners of investigative bodies and bodies of inquiry of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia of the secrecy criteria and the differences between violence and physical impact in the commission of embezzlement leads to mistakes in the qualification of this type of crime. Methods. To solve the goals and objectives of this scientific research the author used general scientific (analysis and synthesis; induction and deduction; comparison; description; logical and structural-functional methods) and private scientific (comparative legal method, method of legal statistics) methods, as well as methods of legal monitoring and questionnaires. Results. According to the results of the scientific research it was concluded that in the theory of criminal law and investigative judicial practice, there is a covert violent embezzlement. In order to improve the practice of criminal law combating this type of crime, within the framework of this article, the criteria of secrecy were defined; violence that is not dangerous to life and health was distinguished from physical influence used by the guilty person to distract attention when committing embezzlement; the conceptual and categorical framework was clarified and specific ways of solving the designated problem for the unified application of criminal legislation in solving the issues of qualification of the specified criminal act were proposed.

crimes against property, embezzlement, secrecy, violence, covert violent embezzlement
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