Psychological characteristics of candidates recommended for the service in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation based on the results of professional psychological selection
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Abstract (English):
Introduction. Professional psychological selection is dedicated for fulfilling the need of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation to identify candidates capable of performing their intended duties, and is a means of preventing deviant behaviour in future officers. There are four categories of professional psychological suitability based on two criteria: the level of development of personal and business qualities and the risk factors for deviant behaviour. The third category of professional psychological selection is the most widespread - it is conditionally recommended. Analysis of individual-psychological characteristics of candidates with this category is able to improve the quality of staffing and increase the efficiency of work with personnel. Methods. The data collection methods were a set of tests and questionnaires corresponding to those recommended for professional psychological selection. Data processing was carried out with the use of the hardware-software psychodiagnostic complex "Multipsychometer". Data analysis was carried out using the computer programme JAMOVI. The methods of descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation coefficient (r-Pearson), one-factor analysis of variance (ANOVA) were used. Results. The results of the research of psychological peculiarities of candidates for the police service, referred to the third category of professional psychological suitability, are presented. The information on differences in the development of personal and business qualities in citizens depending on the results of their professional selection is obtained. The types of candidates recommended conditionally, depending on the presence of a risk factor of deviant behaviourare described. The results of the research prove the validity of the admission to the service of persons classified in the third category of professional suitability and indicate perspective directions of their psychological support at the initial stage of professionalisation.

police, professional psychological selection, risk factor, deviant behavior, third category of professional suitability, recommended conditionally
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