The use of the “attitudechange” technique in conducting a special psychophysiological examination with application of polygraph
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Abstract (English):
Introduction. The article considers the tacticsissues of conducting special psychophysiological examination with application of polygraph during professional psychological selection of citizens entering the service in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation.When using polygraph inpersonnel work, there are often situations when it is difficult for a polygraph examiner to make a decision about the significance of the reactions detected, as they may be associated not with the presence of a certain risk factor (deviant behavior) preventingthe subject’s entering the police service, but with the manifestation of situational anxiety, which is difficult for the candidate to control in the situation assessed as stressful. To solve this problem and increase the reliability of polygraph examinationsresults, the specialists use “attitude change”techniquethat makes it possible to draw objective conclusion about the significance of a particular “risk factor” for the subject, taking into account his or her individual psychological characteristics. Research Method. Psychophysiological method of lie detection (polygraph) allows to solve important issues of candidates selection for service in law enforcement agencies who do not have a tendency to deviant behavior, which further ensures the quality and efficiency of professional activities of police officers. Results. Within the framework of the conducted research the possibility of creating special attitude in the subject, providing the emergence of reaction to a stimulus previously not significant for him/her, related to some test subject, was shown. The effectiveness of the “attitude change” technique use, which helps to neutralize the “accusatory bias” of the polygraph test when working with subjects of the anxious and suspiciouscircle, was revealed. It is proved that “attitude change” technique use in the process of screening checks leads to the reduction of errors of the first kind (“false alarm”) and provides reliability of the results of psychophysiological examination with application of polygraph.

risk factors, deviant behavior, polygraph, reliability of polygraph tests, attitude change, psychology of service activities
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