The possibilities of using eye-tracking technology in the activities of law enforcement agencies (on the example of foreign countries)
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Abstract (English):
Introduction. The law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation widely use a polygraph in solving and investigating crimes as part of psychophysiological research. However, a number of foreign countries are actively conducting research on implementing new psychophysiological technologies in the practical activities of law enforcement officers. One of such technologies is the eye-tracker. The article describes the experience of applying the technology of eye-tracking in the professional activities of law enforcement officers for solving and investigating crimes, in particular, for assessing the reliability of the reported information, revealing hidden information, as well as identifying information about previously perceived persons and objects on the example of foreign countries. These provisions determine the purpose of our research - the generalisation and analysis of foreign experience of applying the technology of eye-tracking in the activities of law enforcement agencies. Methods. General scientific research methods such as analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction and description were used in the research. Results. The current state of theoretical and methodological ideas about eye-tracking, as well as areas of its application, methodological and procedural features of its use in the activities of law enforcement agencies of foreign countries was determined.

eye-tracking technology, law enforcement officers, oculomotor activity, psychophysiological research, reliability of reported information, hidden information
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