Experimental Diagnostics of Mnemic capabilities: description of the methodology and its use
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Abstract (English):
Introduction. Mnemic capabilities, their development, are one of the conditions determining the effectiveness of human activity (professional, service). Assessment of mnemic capabilities is an indicator of a person's mental state, his working capacity and fatigue. For solving this problem, the author's psychodiagnostic technique “Experimental diagnostics of mnemic capabilities” is proposed. The main purpose of the technique is to assess the general level of development of mnemic capabilities – their productivity, quality and reliability, which also allows to determine fatigue and working capacity of the tested person. The technique consists of seven series, each of which includes basic and additional figures having different sequence of arrangement, orientation and colour. The results of performing all seven series are used to calculate the “general index of reproduction success” (the level of expression of mnemic capabilities). Research methods. Correlational and comparative analyses. Assessment of retest reliability and construct and criterion validity. Results. The author found that the method of experimental diagnostics of mnemic capabilities has acceptable psychometric characteristics (reliability and validity), and this makes it possible to use it within the framework of psychological support of the system of internal affairs bodies. The method is appropriate both for assessing the features of memory and fatigue, the indicator of which is the level of expression of mnemic capabilities.

psychodiagnostics, memory, mnemic capabilities, interference, mnemic tasks, psychometrics, fatigue, efficiency
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