Technologies of developing education and upbringing in the process of mastering humanitarian disciplines in educational organisations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Introduction. The relevance of the issues of application of developing learning and education technologies in the process of studying humanitarian sciences in educational organisations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is obvious. In the course of training courses, research work and educational activities the world outlook guidelines of cadets and trainees are being formed, the value content of future professional activity is being determined. In this article, the author reveals the origin of the theory of “nurturing learning”, traces the main trends of its development in European and domestic pedagogical science, draws conclusions about the need to use developing learning and educational technologies in this area of pedagogical activity. The paper reviews the practice of implementing these technologies on the sample of conducting training sessions on the disciplines of the humanities cycle with cadets and students of the St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Methods. The study used the general scientific dialectic method; theoretical and cognitive methods of cognition and information processing - generalisation, systematisation, classification, comparison; empirical method of analysing the content of the conducted training sessions. Results. The main provisions of the article were reported by the author within the framework of the exchange of pedagogical experience at the scientific and methodological seminar “Pedagogical strategies of personality education in the context of the implementation of educational programs”, held on November 14, 2023 on the basis of the Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia named after V. Y. Kikot. The seminar was attended by the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Colonel-General of Police V. L. Kubyshko, heads of educational organisations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and a number of civilian educational organisations in the field of humanitarian and law-related knowledge.

nurturing learning, worldview values, pedagogy, education, upbringing, training, technology, patriotism, citizenship

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