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Abstract (English):
Introduction. Undoubtedly globalization increased the scale and influence of such a dangerous phenomenon as corruption. The existence of corruption even at the national level affects the global economical, social and political processes. Transnational corruption is more dangerous negative phenomenon because it destroys management effectiveness not only at the local, regional or state level, but in the global scale, distorting conditions of international competitiveness and negatively affecting the domestic and foreign policies of independent states [1]. The transnational corruption may be considered as a way of negative influence on the sovereign countries, their domestic and foreign policies, economic and social systems. In this article we consider the notion and peculiarities of transnational corruption, its typical signs, and normative methods of influencing on it in some foreign countries. A special attention will be paid to the role of the transnational corporations (TNC) in creating and supporting the corruptive “atmosphere” in the world. Methodology. In this article the author used common scientific methods of (analysis, synthesis, systemicstructural, deduction, induction) and private scientific methods (formally legal, comparatively legal, methods of grammatical transformations when translating, method of explanatory translation). Results. Corruption may be legally referred to international crimes, or more exactly, to the crimes of transnational character. The justice of such conclusion is conditioned with the fact that the corruption and corruptive crimes are prohibited with the international conventions which have already formed a coherent system of internationally legal acts about the responsibilities for corruptive activities, for instance, universal, cross-regional, regional and sub-regional acts. Moreover in some countries there are certain agreements.

corruption, corruptive activities, transnational corruption, international corruption, public authorities
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