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Abstract (English):
Abstract: Introduction. The issue of protection of state sovereignty always remains relevant due to the constant presence of threats. At the same time, there are quite a lot of works in the legal literature devoted to the study of the essence and content of state sovereignty. The article considers some aspects that reveal the concept of sovereignty through historical events that influenced the formation of ideas about this concept. Attention is paid to the current state of understanding of state sovereignty. Methods. The methodological basis of the work is the dialectical method of cognition, which allowed us to trace the interrelationships between various facts and events. The author used general scientific methods, namely methods of analysis and synthesis of information, induction and deduction, as well as the possibility of methods of description and generalisation. The historical method played a significant role. Results. The results allowed us to definitely determine that the formation of the concept of «sovereignty» took place in the XVII century, and its further comprehension took place in the context of the formation in the states of the institution of rights and freedoms of the citizen, as well as the separation of powers.. At the same time, the study of state sovereignty in relation to the Eastern countries requires special attention. The study of the historical genesis of the concept of «sovereignty» allowed us to identify three stages for the Western world, the study of which is relevant in the context of this topic. The first period refers to antiquity, when Greek and Roman entities had signs of sovereignty. The second period is related to the Middle Ages and the existence of suzerainty-vassalage relations. The third period refers to the new and modern times and is associated with the comprehension of state sovereignty in its modern sense.

sovereignty, state, people’s power, independence, political power, state power
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