Characterisation of the potential of tutoring in pedagogical support of socialisation of students of Suvorov Military Schools of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia at the initial stage of training
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Abstract (English):
Abstract: Introduction. The last decade has been marked by the active implementation of the Targeted Tutoring Model in various educational organisations of our country. However, in the Suvorov military schools of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia there is no unified practice of tutoring at present, despite the fact that tutoring can act as a way to improve the effectiveness of pedagogical support of students’ socialisation at the most difficult initial stage of education. The fact determined the purpose of the research - to characterise the potential of tutoring in effective pedagogical support of first-year students’ socialisation. Methodological basis and the research methods. Social-pedagogical, ambivalent and humanitariananthropological approaches. Methods of analysis of scientific-pedagogical and special literature, conceptual analysis, comparative analysis. Results. The research methods used made it possible to identify the complex structure of tutorship potential and to characterise it. In the context of the chosen methodological framework, the potential is a set of possibilities of the sociocultural environment, interacting subjects and ways of interaction. The author consistently characterises each element of such a totality taking into account the peculiarities of the process of pedagogical support of students’ socialisation at the initial stage of education. The sociocultural environment of the schools is a hierarchically structured multi-age community. It possesses the resources that can help students to adapt to new living conditions and self-determination in the profession of a police officer as a profession for serving people. Effective interaction is planned through two-vector tutoring by an officer-tutor and a senior peer-tutor, in which the adult takes a pedagogical position and the peer takes a subjective position of caring for a junior. Tutoring in support of first-year students’ socialisation is effective for humanitarian cross-enrichment, free dialogue and appropriate pace of interaction.

tutoring, pedagogical support, socialisation, Suvorov Military School, Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, initial stage of training
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