Determinants of the formation of the radical consciousness of youth
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Introduction. Young people, as the most potentially passionate part of the society, are characterised by maximalism and a strong desire to conquer the world here and now. However, their immature worldview can easily lead this category of the population to lose their true identity by being influenced by radicals. The radicalisation of mass consciousness in the current global context has become a feature of the modern society, resulting in an obstacle to the positive development of Russia. This fact raises the need for research on the determinants of the formation of radical consciousness in order to further effective preventive activities in this direction. The purpose of the research is to identify the main causes and conditions for the formation of radical consciousness among young people. Methodology, methods and techniques. The conducted research is based on modern scientific, methodological and sociopsychological characteristics of the formation of radical consciousness. The dialectical method, the method of ascending from the abstract to the concrete, comparative studies, and axiological interpretation are used. The results of the research testify to the relevance of the issue of study, especially in the current conditions of society development. The main, and at the same time, diverse (social, psychological, cultural, political) aspects contributing to the formation of radical views of young people are analysed. The scientific novelty of the article is substantiated by the analysis of the existing world environment (maximally favourable for the formation of radical consciousness) and the scientific researches performed within the framework of the subject, which made it possible to conclude that the problem under consideration is underdeveloped. Practical significance. The results of the research can fill the existing gap in the study of the mentioned subject and become a support for further comprehensive problem examination, as well as contribute to preparing scientific support for preventive activities in relation to the negative side of radicalism of young people.

radical views, consciousness, youth, causes of radicalism, cultural factor, politics, age crises, religion, morality, values
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