Saint Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
UDK 159.9 Психология
The article presents an overview of the research-to-practice conference «Current problems of psychology in the field of law enforcement: concepts, approaches, technologies» (Vasilievsky Readings - 2023), which is dedicated to the memory of the Soviet scientist-psychologist, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation Vladislav Leonidovich Vasiliev. The research results of scientific schools of the Russian Federation, People’s Republic of China, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Republic of Uzbekistan on the following problems were presented at the conference: improvement of psychological work in the system of moral and psychological support for the activities of internal affairs bodies; introduction of achievements of psychology in practice of crime detection and investigation; psychological support for the implementation of law enforcement officers operational and service tasks, including in special conditions; protection of law enforcement officers from destructive informational and psychological impact. The results of the conference demonstrate the need to combine the efforts of various scientific psychological schools from different countries to achieve law enforcement goals, protect public order, ensure public safety and well-being of people around the world.
moral and psychological support for the activities of internal affairs bodies, psychological support for the implementation of operational and service tasks by law enforcement officers, special conditions of service, psychological technologies in crime detection and investigation, protection of personnel from destructive informational and psychological impact, psychology of deviant behavior
1. Aleksandrova, O. V., Engalychev, V. F. (2023). Podhody k ocenke dostovernosti pokazanij i ih prakticheskoe primenenie v Germanii. V Aktual’nye problemy psihologii pravoohranitel’noj deyatel’nosti: koncepcii, podhody, tekhnologii: ma¬terialy mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii (Vasil’evskie chteniya - 2023) (str. 31-34). Saint Petersburg: Sankt-Peterburgskij universitet MVD Rossii.
2. Gor’kovaya, I. A., Miklyaeva, A. V. (2023). Lichnostnyj potencial delinkventnyh podrostkov muzhskogo pola s gipertimnoj, shizoidnoj i epilepoidnoj akcentuaciyami haraktera. V Aktual’nye problemy psihologii pravoohranitel’noj deyatel’nosti: koncepcii, podhody, tekhnologii: materialy mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii (Vasil’evskie chteniya - 2023) (str. 223-228). Saint Petersburg: Sankt-Peterburgskij universitet MVD Rossii.
3. Dobryakov, I. V., Fedoseeva E. M. (2023) Sovremennye formy deviantnogo povedeniya, svyazannye s informacionno-kommunikacionnoj revolyuciej. V Aktual’nye problemy psihologii pravoohranitel’noj deyatel’nosti: koncepcii, podhody, tekhnologii: materialy mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii (Vasil’evskie chteniya - 2023) (str. 262-266). Saint Petersburg: Sankt-Peterburgskij universitet MVD Rossii.
4. Ershov, E. V., Kurdyukova, V. Yu. (2023). Informacionno-psihologicheskaya bezopasnost’ sotrudnika silovyh struktur v usloviyah gibridnyh vojn. V Aktual’nye problemy psihologii pravoohranitel’noj deyatel’nosti: koncepcii, podhody, tekhnologii: materialy mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii (Vasil’evskie chteniya - 2023) (str. 300-307). Saint Petersburg: Sankt-Peterburgskij universitet MVD Rossii.
5. Karayani, A. G. (2023). Psihologicheskaya podgotovka voennosluzhashchih (sotrudnikov) k sluzhebno-boevoj deyatel’nosti v usloviyah primeneniya protivnikom BPLA i cifrovyh sredstv slezheniya. V Aktual’nye problemy psihologii pravoohranitel’noj deyatel’nosti: koncepcii, podhody, tekhnologii: materialy mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii (Vasil’evskie chteniya - 2023) (str. 368-373). Saint Petersburg: Sankt-Peterburgskij universitet MVD Rossii.
6. Malygina, O. V. (2023). K voprosu o professional’nom psihologicheskom otbore kandidatov na sluzhbu v organy vnutrennih del. V Aktual’nye problemy psihologii pravoohranitel’noj deyatel’nosti: koncepcii, podhody, tekhnologii: materialy mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii (Vasil’evskie chteniya - 2023) (str. 485-491). Saint Petersburg: Sankt-Peterburgskij universitet MVD Rossii.
7. Mejer, Yu. A., Aleksandrov, B. V., Shibaeva, G. E. (2023). Ispol’zovanie skhema-terapii dlya vyyavleniya faktorov riska professional’nogo vygoraniya sotrudnikov ugolovno-ispolnitel’noj sistemy. V Aktual’nye problemy psihologii pravoohranitel’noj deyatel’nosti: koncepcii, podhody, tekhnologii: materialy mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii (Vasil’evskie chteniya - 2023) (str. 520-523). Saint Petersburg: Sankt-Peterburgskij universitet MVD Rossii.
8. Meshkova, N. V. (2023). K voprosu o svyazi lichnostnyh harakteristik i antisocial’noj kreativnosti v raznyh social’no-politicheskih usloviyah. V Aktual’nye problemy psihologii pravoohranitel’noj deyatel’nosti: koncepcii, podhody, tekhnologii: materialy mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii (Vasil’evskie chteniya - 2023) (str. 530- 534). Saint Petersburg: Sankt-Peterburgskij universitet MVD Rossii.
9. Pastushenya, A. N. (2023). Osnovnye napravleniya i zadachi psihologicheskogo obespecheniya pravoohranitel’noj deyatel’nosti: V Aktual’nye problemy psihologii pravoohranitel’noj deyatel’nosti: koncepcii, podhody, tekhnologii: materialy mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii (Vasil’evskie chteniya - 2023) (str. 616-622). Saint Pe¬tersburg: Sankt-Peterburgskij universitet MVD Rossii.
10. Shipit’ko, O. Yu., Kuz’mina, A. B. (2023). Vzaimosvyaz’ assertivnosti i tipov mezhlichnostnogo konflikta vojsk razvedyvatel’nyh podrazdelenij. V Aktual’nye problemy psihologii pravoohranitel’noj deyatel’nosti: koncepcii, podhody, tekhnologii: materialy mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii (Vasil’evskie chteniya - 2023) (str. 861- 866). Saint Petersburg: Sankt-Peterburgskij universitet MVD Rossii.