from 01.01.2009 until now
Sankt-Peterburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
UDK 347 Гражданское право. Судопроизводство
Introduction. Further development of the institution of the contract system in the field of state procurement in context of the transition to the sixth technological paradigm [1, p. 130] and the focus of the Russian Federation on building an economy of knowledge and high technologies [2, p. 8] should take place on a conceptual basis, in strict harmony with the entire system of legal principles operatingin this field. The role of legal science in this process is to show the relevance and demand of all principles of the contract system in the field of state procurement, their practical effectiveness in new reality. The purpose of the study. Based on the analysis of the set of principles of the contract system operating in the field of state procurement, the purpose is to identify the features and problematic aspects of the implementation of these principles in the context of digitalization and modernization of the economy. Research methods. In the research, to the extent necessary the author used both general scientific (dialectical, logical, etc.) and private scientific methods (comparative legal, formal legal, etc.), whichultimately allowed to achieve the set goal. Results: The study of the principles of the contract system in the field of state procurement made it possible to identify problematic aspects of their implementation in modern conditions, to adjust the tasks according to current challenges of our time, to show the importance of distinguishing goals and principles of legal regulation for their correct and proper classification.
digitalization, procurement, principles of law, contract system, state and municipal procurement, objectives of legal regulation, the principle of stimulating innovation, efficiency
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