Russian Federation
UDK 159.9.07 Психологические исследования
This review presents a thesis analysis of the monograph «Prevention of aggression and destructive behavior of youth: analysis of international experience». The quality of the content is assessed, the main types of asociality are concluded (bullying, single acts of aggression in educational organizations, etc.). Also, an assessment is made of the compliance of research with advanced branches of science, and the coverage of this work in practice is implemented. The conclusions about the contribution of the authors to the study of the psychology of aggression and destructive behavior, as well as to the definition of practical areas of activity and approaches to the prevention of negative social impacts, are substantiated.
youth, destructive behavior, asocial groups, aggression, extremist communities, prevention
1. Rean, A. A. (red.), Konovalov, I. A., Novikova, M. A., Molchanova, D. V. (2021). Profilaktika agressii i destruktivnogo povedeniya molodezhi: analiz mirovogo opyta: monografiya. Saint Petersburg: Izdatel’sko-poligraficheskaya kompaniya «KOSTA». Izbrannye glavy iz monografii dostupny dlya besplatnogo skachivaniya po ssylke: vospitanie21vek.rf/biblioteka.