The crisis of family relations in modern society as one of the reasons for the low effectiveness of juvenile delinquency prevention
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Abstract (English):
Introduction: The relevance of this article lies in the fact that the prevention of juvenile delinquency in modern Russia cannot be focused only on the perceptions of those families that lead a parasitic lifestyle or those with only one parent. Obviously, in order to increase the effectiveness of such prevention, attention should be paid not only to statistics on the personality of juvenile delinquents or the number of single-parent families and families with a negative environment line, but also to the factors that led to mistakes or shortcomings in family upbringing for the subsequent identification of causes and conditions of the type of crime. Methods: Various methods of knowledge were used in writing the article: dialectical, statistical and analytical methods. The material for the study was practical examples, normative legal acts, statistical data, as well as scientific researches of authors studying the problems of the crisis of family relations in modern society. Results: On the basis of general scientific dialectic method of cognition the crisis moments of family relations in modern society were considered, which are proposed to be a condition for delinquent behavior of minors and young people. It was found out that value orientations in family and issues of achievement of social status for its members are put in direct dependence of certain gender background or social trends, imposed by Internet-groups. The authors try to answer the question whether it is possible to predict juvenile delinquency by identifying families with signs of exclusion from external norms and rules of conduct for the subsequent preventive social influence or it is better to restrict preventive measures in relation to families with explicit signs of antisocial behavior.

juvenile delinquency, family, destructive behaviour, prevention, digital technology, social impac
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