Law-making crowdsourcing and its significance for establishing the limits of legal regulation
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Abstract (English):
Abstract: the digitalisation of the processes of modern life contributes to the emergence of new lawmaking technologies aimed at defining the scope of legal regulation and establishing its limits. The use of crowdsourcing in law-making activities makes it possible to correlate the positions of society and the state regarding the possibility and necessity of regulating certain social relations. The purpose of the study: to reveal the essence of law-making crowdsourcing as an independent lawmaking technology, to determine its significance for establishing the limits of legal regulation. Research methods: general scientific methods and methods of cognition (systemic, analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, generalisation, comparison, etc.) and special scientific methods (formal legal, comparative legal). Results: Law-making crowdsourcing is a new technology and one of the deliberative procedures aimed at optimising the establishment of the scope of legal regulation and fixing it as a subject of legal regulation. There are three main types of law-making crowdsourcing, depending on the objectives and content pursued: crowdsourcing of issues, crowdsourcing of ideas, and crowdsourcing of draft legislation. Certain conditions need to be taken into account in order for crowdsourcing to produce the desired results and improve the effectiveness of legal regulation, as well as problems and shortcomings due to both the specificity of the technology and peculiarities of the public consciousness.

limits of legal regulation, scope of legal regulation, subject of legal regulation, lawmaking crowdsourcing, legitimisation of law
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