Correlation between constitutional and statutory norms of federal and regional legislation, regulating the status of the subjects of the Russian Federation
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the research of a number of actual problems connected with the implementation of normative provisions of parts 1 and 2 of article 66 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The aim of the research is to develop theoretical foundations and to form scientific ideas about the constitutional and statutory regulation of the status of the subjects of the Russian Federation as a developing institute of modern constitutional law, which is to be considered in the dynamics of its genesis and taking into account the retrospective aspect. Research methods.In the process of research, the author successfully applied such methods as theoretical, general philosophical analysis (dialectics, systematic method, analysis, analogy, synthesis, observation and modelling). The legal methods (formal-logical), as well as sociological methods (statistical and expert evaluations) were taken as the basis for the author’s conclusions. The author pays special attention to the genesis of the essence and content of such concepts as «federal legislation» and «regional legislation». In order to assess the category of «federalism», the author uses the analysis specific to the assessment of cognitive and socio-economic characteristics of «federal relations», which, unfortunately, are often differentiated and sometimes even opposed. Research results. The relevance of the author’s research theme is proved by the need to guarantee the autonomy of the subjects of the Russian Federation in determining their status through constitutional and statutory regulation of social relations, applied simultaneously with the institutions of exclusively federal sovereignty, prohibition of secession and the possibility of federal intervention in extraordinary circumstances. It creates a constitutional balance between centralisation and decentralisation in federal relations based on the concept of «cooperative federalism» that is perspective for modern Russia. The author’s opinion on the correlation between the norms of federal and regional legislation of the subjects of the Russian Federation is substantiated and conclusions are drawn regarding the prospects for the development of the institution of federalism in Russia.

federalism, subjects of the Russian Federation, status, autonomy, jurisdiction, powers, competence, sources of constitutional law, secession
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