Russian State Social University
St. Petersburg Military Order of Zhukov Institute of Troops of National Guard of the Russian Federation
Ryazan, Orel, Russian Federation
Ryazan, Russian Federation
UDK 159.923 Психологические типы. Индивидуальная психология. Психология личности. Индивидуальность. Личность.Психология характера. Характерология. Идеосинкрозия. Типы личностей
Abstract: Introduction. The relevance of the research topic is due to the importance of studying the transformation of the life plans of convicts in detention facilities and insufficient elaboration of the research topic in legal psychology. The purpose of the present research was to study the transformation of the life plans of convicts in detention facilities. The study was conducted on the basis of federal government institution “Correctional colony-5” of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in the Ryazan region. The study engaged 64 male convicts serving their sentences in the strict regime prison colony. The average term for serving punishment by convicts was 4.5 years. The scientific problem is to identify the psychological characteristics of convicts who have negative and positive life plans. Methods. In the course of the research the following methods were used: observation, conversation, questioning, personal records analysis, expert staff survey, and “Motivation for Success and Fear of Failure” technique (A. A. Rean). During the expert staff survey, we identified the most significant external (environmental) conditions influencing the transformation of the life plans of convicts in detention facilities: 1) conditions and procedure for serving a criminal sentence; 2) micro- and macro-environment of convicts; 3) adaptation of convicts to the conditions of a correctional institution; 4) socially useful activities of convicts. Results. By using “Motivation for Success and Fear of Failure” technique by A. A. Rean, it was established that the first group of convicts has negative motivation due to being placed in a correctional facility. Such convicts are characterized by increased anxiety, uncertainty in themselves and their own abilities. In this regard, we believe that convicts of the first group (the first two months in a correctional institution) need timely psycho-correctional work with their life plans. The second group of convicts, compared to the first one has a clearly expressed tendency to be motivated to succeed, which is primarily due to the upcoming release from prison, and therefore they have a need to achieve constructive results.
transformation, transformation of the life plans, convicts, correctional institutions, detention facilities
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