About the Role of regional international security organizations in countering terrorism (on the example of the Collective Security Treaty Organization)
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the consideration of issues of countering international and regional terrorism through the use of such an institution as a regional international security organization – the Collective Security Treaty Organization. A brief description of modern terrorism and terrorist manifestations in the Central Asian region is given, taking into account the current situation in Afghanistan in the late 20th – early 21st centuries. In historical retrospect, the factors that influenced the growth of terrorist activity are analyzed. The reasons for the creation of a regional international security organization – the Collective Security Treaty Organization, the main provisions of its Charter, especially those related to countering terrorist threats, are investigated. Using the example of the CSTO collective rapid response forces conducting a counter-terrorism operation in Kazakhstan in January 2022, the features of such an interstate type of operational combat event are investigated. Other options for the creation of inter-state antiterrorism units have been studied using the example of the European ATLAS. The main directions of the development of the CSTO in countering terrorism in the region of the Organization’s member states have been identified. The factors that will contribute to improving the effectiveness of the anti-terrorist measures taken to maintain stability in the region, as well as the main determinants of regional terrorism, are identified. The threats of a terrorist nature for the CSTO member states and options for their minimization and elimination through the use of CSTO forces and means are outlined.

counter-terrorist operation, international terrorism, collective security, counter-terrorism, terrorism, terrorist act
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