Russian Federation
St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
The article deals with the issues of legal impact on corruption as a form of deviant behavior through the system of administrative and legal norms. The current anti-corruption legislation of the Russian Federation as a legal basis for the prevention of corruption and the formation of the state impact system for education of society intolerance to corrupt practices and condemnation of corruption as negative behavior of a particular person is analyzed. On the basis of the conducted research, proposals for the improvement of anti-corruption legislation by changing the administrative and legal forms of impact on corruption are formulated. The authors applied mainly analytical methods of research of existing anti-corruption norms, their practical implementation on the basis of open statistical data. It makes it possible to use the revealed data in the work of developing anti-corruption legislation. Scientific novelty of the study is characterized by the fact that the issues of correlation of administrative and legal impact on corruption have not been previously considered in terms of deviant nature of actions of individuals, regardless of whether they are state (municipal) servants or not. The proposed mechanisms of correction of anti-corruption legislation, in addition to the proper administrative and legal form of impact on the phenomenon in question, are of a complex nature, since it is impossible to influence on society without various forms of moral, educational impact on a particular person. These processes start before the age when an individual may be convicted for the offense committed.
corruption, administrative impact, deviant behavior, public service, crime
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