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Abstract (English):
The article reveals the essence of a suicide note as an object of forensic authorship examination conducted in order to make a psycholinguistic profile of the author of the text based on his appearance characteristics (age, gender, professional affiliation, etc.). The importance of such examination in the investigation of murders is underlined, when it is required to reveal the fact of staging a murder as a suicide, when the text of the suicide note is one of the evidence sources in covering the crime up. The author points out that both the texts of "false" suicide notes and the texts of originate suicide notes have their own psycholinguistic features (structural, grammatical, morphological, etc.) that make it possible to sketch the writer’s speech profile. The research reveals that the text of a suicide note is written by a person in order to verbalize his emotional experiences in a certain depressive state. It should be noted that earlier the text of a suicide note was made by hand and it had a personal addressee, the main research methods were mainly cognitive. Currently, due to the development of Internet communication, linguostatistical methods are increasingly used. That permits to make a human profile based on a set of quantitative features in the text of a short electronic message published in the open access and having an interpersonal addressee.

forensic authorship, psycholinguistics, suicide note, cognitive methods, statistic methods, online-communication
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