Vsevolozhsk, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
UDK 159.923.3 Структура личности. Черты характера. Психограмма
The article considers the gender aspect of the relationship between the subjective well-being of students of the educational organization of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia with the basic beliefs of the individual and satisfaction with educational activities. The relevance of the study lies in the fact that timely diagnosis and correction of the level of subjective well-being of students of departmental educational organizations contributes to the preservation of somatic and psychological health, thereby prolonging the professional longevity of future police officers. The empirical study involved 240 respondents (n = 109 males; n =131 females), average age – 20.09 ± 1.1 years: cadets of the second and third courses of the Faculty of Police Training for Public Order Protection Units. Research methods: anonymous questionnaire, «Scale of subjective well-being» (M. V. Sokolova), «Scale of basic beliefs of the individual» (M. A. Padun, A. V. Kotelnikova). As a result of the study, it was found that male cadets go in for sports more often, are more satisfied with their educational activities and their emotional state. Girls demonstrate a higher level of subjective well-being, satisfaction with daily activities, positively assess the social environment, but they are more likely than boys to have mood changes and negative emotional states. More often, pessimistic cadets who do not believe in luck, goodwill, fairness of the world around and in the ability to control their lives get sick more often. Frequent morbidity during the year and professional sports activities reduce satisfaction with educational activities. The «targets» of psychological correction can be: irrational attitudes and ways to replace them with rational, reflective abilities, awareness of the negative impact of «automatic thoughts», acceptance of responsibility, development of volitional activity, positive emotions, thinking and behavior.
gender approach, subjective well-being, basic beliefs of personality, satisfaction with learning activities, morbidity
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