Museum spaces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs as a form of training and education of police officers
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Departmental museums play a special role in the socio-cultural reach of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. Their main mission is to preserve the accumulated experience, pass it to future generations of law enforcement officers, in the training and education of the police officers, as well as in creating a positive image of the police agencies, and organizing the interaction with civil society institutions. History museums of the State road safety inspection are the units of the agency-level that carry out educational, training and scientific functions, and pedagogical (educational, tutorial, methodological) work with the active traffic police, students of educational institutions of Ministry of internal affairs and other categories of visitors. The article is dedicated to the actual experience of museum and educational activities of the police departments and the prospects for the development of departmental museums. The authors conclude that museum work in the law enforcement agencies is an integral part of the patriotic education not only of employees, but also of the general public. The presentation of the museum activities in the Internet today is an important part of the museum work, since the Internet is a communicative space that a person cannot avoid. Currently, the organization of museum events should include the use of advanced technologies and methods responding to the demands society. The article uses modern possibilities of the content visualization (QR-coding).

departmental museum, museum expositions, educational opportunities of the museum, museum pedagogy, education, tutoring, patriotism, continuity, professional orientation, propaganda
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