Russian Federation
Saint-Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
UDK 159.923 Психологические типы. Индивидуальная психология. Психология личности. Индивидуальность. Личность.Психология характера. Характерология. Идеосинкрозия. Типы личностей
A key role in the prevention of negative personal changes is played by the stable professional selfawareness of OMON officers. With a reduced level of professional self-awareness, either excess of official authority is possible, which in turn will provoke significant negative consequences, or untimeliness, instability in the implementation of professional skills, which will also reduce the performance of official tasks. To date, the problem of developing professional self-awareness among OMON officers remains poorly understood and requires further study. Psychological training can be one of the effective ways of developing professional selfawareness. The purpose of the study is to develop a socio-psychological training for the development of professional selfawareness of OMON officers. The article reveals the problem of finding ways to increase the professional self-awareness of employees of special units of the Russian Guard, using the example of a special mobile detachment. Based on the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, the authors formulated the definition of an employee’s professional self-awareness and described its structure. On the basis of the proposed model of professional self-consciousness, a training was developed and successfully tested, aimed at the formation and development of substructures of self-consciousness. The article presents data from an experimental study. An analysis of the leading methodological approaches to studying the phenomenon of «professional selfawareness» led to the conclusion that the effectiveness of the professional activities of OMON officers depends not only on professional knowledge, skills and abilities, but also on a number of psychological factors involved in the regulation of this activity. The effectiveness of the training program for increasing the professional self-awareness of employees is confirmed by the statistically significant development of its components, which allows us to recommend it for practical use.
professional self-awareness, self-concept, professional skills, psychological factors, training, employees
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