Problems of execution of illegal orders of managers by civil servants in modern Russia
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Public service is an important institution of any state. In our country, the need for legal regulation of the public service and the activities of civil servants arose not so long ago – at the beginning of the 21st century, and therefore the new norms established in federal laws that did not exist before from purely theoretical prescriptions have just begun to move into practice. Competent regulation of the requirements of the federal law, in our case – in relation to the actions of a civil servant and his manager upon receiving and giving of (respectively) an illegal decision, will allow maintaining a normal situation in a state body; not creatingconflict or disputes which may lead to non-compliance ofthe functions by the state. The subject of this article isthe problem of execution by a civil servant of the illegal (inconsistent with the legislation of the Russian Federation) instructions received from his superior. To study this problem, an analysis of federal laws was carried out, which contain provisions that determine the actions of a civil servant when he receives an illegal order, resolution, instruction, assignment from his superior, which does not comply with the statutory regulations of the legislation of the Russian Federation. Some problems that arise in these cases are considered, taking into account the imperfection of the wording, as well as the actual complexity of the implementation of the established provisions. As a result of consideration of a number of federal laws on public service, selected findings are presented regarding the problem posed. Taking into account the need for unconditional observance of such fundamental principles for resolving the issue raised, including the principles of legality of protecting civil servants from unlawful interference in their professional activities, the author formulated a proposal to amend the Federal Law «On the system of public service of the Russian Federation».

Constitution of the Russian Federation, civil service of the Russian Federation, types of public service, civil servant, duties of a civil servant, illegal order, unlawful order, illegal assignment
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