The notion of the term «personality of the parolee from criminal punishment» as a particular element of the object of criminology
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Abstract (English):
The purpose of the study is to analyze the notion of «criminal personality» as a basic element of the subject of criminology, which underlies the notions of «personality of a convict» and «personality of a parolee». In the course of writing the article, the following methods were used: theoretical analysis, that is, the selection and consideration of individual aspects, signs, features, properties of phenomena; inductive and deductive methods - logical methods of generalizing empirically obtained data, as well as a formal legal method used in the study of the legal concept of parole, identifying and studying its features. It is proposed to consider the category of «criminal personality» in the broad sense and in depth. In the broad sense of the word, this category should include both indictees and individuals against whom the criminal case has been terminated on non-exculpatory grounds. In depth, this category includes only individuals for whom there has been is a final conviction which should be called «personality of a convict». The category of «personality of a parolee» is the starting point from the concept of «personality of a convict».

parolee, release, criminal personality, convict, released, criminological characteristics, determinants, crime
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