from 01.01.2016 until now
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
UDK 94 Всеобщая история
Present review covers the events and results of the international academic conference «Peter the Great and his era: a view from the XXI century (tribute to 350th anniversary of Peter I) held on 31 of March 2022 in St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The report lists the participants, describes the program of the conference, and touches the content of the presentations and the concluding observations in a nutshell. In the course of the conference, the participants have discussed a personal influence of the Peter the Great on the development of Russian state and society as a whole, the specifics of the government and military reform started by Peter the Great, his legal reformation, creation of the police and law enforcement, inter-relationships between the state and society of his era, as well as the economic development and a wide range of adjacent topics. The leading researchers from the universities and other scientific organizations belonging to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Education, Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, as well as educators and researches from the republic of Belarus, lecturers and students from St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, representatives of the other schools, and general public have taken part in the conference.
Peter I, academic conference, Peter the Great reforms, St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, history of state and law department
1. Anisimov E. V. Gosudarstvennye preobrazovaniya i samoderzhavie Petra Velikogo v pervoy chetverti XVIII veka / Rossiyskaya akademiya nauk, Institut rossiyskoy istorii, Sankt-Peterburgskiy filial. - Sankt-Peterburg: Dmitriy Bulanin, 1997. - 331 s.
2. Lebedev V. Administrativnye reformy Petra I // Bor'ba klassov. - 1936. - № 12. - S. 109-116.
3. Milyukov P. N. Gosudarstvennoe hozyaystvo Rossii v svyazi s reformoy Petra Velikogo // Zhurnal Ministerstva narodnogo prosvescheniya. - 1890. - Kn. IX. - C. 1-107.
4. Sizikov M.I. Istoriya policii Rossii (1718-1917). Stanovlenie i razvitie obschey regulyarnoy policii v Rossii XVIII v..- Moskva: APO, 1992. - 66 s.
5. Efremova N. N. Sistema prokurorskogo nadzora, fiskalitet i regulyarnaya policiya i ih vzaimodeystvie s sudebnymi organami / Istoriya suda i pravosudiya v Rossii: v 9 t. / otv. red. V. V. Ershov, V. M. Syryh. - T. 3: Sudoustroystvo i sudoproizvodstvo v period stanovleniya i razvitiya absolyutizma (konec XVII - seredina XIX veka) : monografiya / otv. red. S. A. Koluntaev. - Moskva: Norma, 2019. - S. 330-333.
6. Kopelev D. N. Bitva portulanov: zabytye i maloizvestnye stranicy voenno-morskoy istorii XVI-XIX stoletiy. - Sankt-Peterburg: Kriga, 2019. - 623 s.
7. Lotman Yu. M. Besedy po russkoy kul'ture: Byt i tradicii russkogo dvoryanstva (XVIII - nachala XIX veka). - Sankt-Peterburg: Iskusstvo-SPb, 2008. - 412 s.
8. Bagger Hans. Reformy Petra Velikogo : obzor issled. / per. s dat. V. E. Vozgrina. - Moskva: Progress, 1985. - 199 s
9. Ahmedov Ch. N. O., Fedorov A. B. «Mayorskie» sledstvennye kancelyarii v kontekste istorii rossiyskogo ugolovnogo processa / Rossiyskaya policiya: tri veka sluzheniya Otechestvu : materialy yubileynoy Mezhdunarodnoy nauchnoy konferencii, posvyaschennoy 300-letiyu rossiyskoy policii / pod redakciey N. S. Nizhnik. - Sankt-Peterburg, Sankt-Peterburgskiy universitet MVD Rossii, 2018. - S. 417-420.
10. Orlov V. V. Okno v ischeznuvshiy mir. Velikie Luki. - Velikie Luki: Izdatel'stvo Sergeya Markelova, 2012. - 183 s.