Responsibility for the dissemination of personal data as a way to counteract offenses in the field of information and communication technologies
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Abstract (English):
This article examines the problem of personal data theft committed both directly in the virtual space and using information and communication technologies. Virtual or cyberspace has become not only a place of work for most citizens, but also a means of organizing leisure and entertainment, as well as a way to realize household needs (buying food and everyday goods, receiving services). During the commission of such actions, personal data is entered on various sites, which may entail their disclosure and possession by third parties. Currently, there is an intensive implementation of IT solutions in the social spheres of society: online banking and other services provided by financial and credit organizations; applications for the provision of public services; electronic diaries for students; various applications of online stores, etc. All this will create opportunities for personal data leakage. Accordingly, in addition to improving the IT sphere, the sphere of personal data protection is also developing, which deserves special attention in the future. The purpose of the work is to study problematic issues of personal data protection. The author uses the following research methods: statistical, comparative legal, analysis, formal logic. As the results of the study, the factors contributing to the growth of personal data theft, as well as recommendations for the prevention of abuse in this area, are highlighted. Scientific novelty is expressed in the study of the process of legal protection of information in changing conditions. The practical significance of the work lies in the development of proposals for the introduction of norms providing for liability for illegal distribution and improper storage of personal data. It is important to note that the methods of personal data theft are most often associated with the negligence of their storage and transfer, therefore, awareness of citizens about the possibilities of their safety is an important component of their financial security.

theft, personal data, information and communication technologies, theft, identity
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